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Digging Deep Comfort

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Guest Writer, Katie Burch–On the heart’s growing capacity…

(Katie is on the left)

If you are into the study this month, you know we are digging into the Psalm 119 ABC’s of “Word-comfort”. Katie has excellent thoughts about the “Daleth” portion of Psalm 119, particularly the portion in which the Psalmist says “I will run the course of your commandments,” (vs 32). Do you want to gain a larger heart capacity? This is the capacity that matters not just on the medical heart monitor, but the kind of line-tracking that never flat-lines; the kind of line tracking (unlike your exercise monitor) that never lies. It’s accurate and eternal. The Word is your eternal heart-health monitor! 

Katie says this:

With regular rigorous aerobic activity, the athlete’s heart begins to change over time, growing larger and stronger with increased capacity. (MedStar Health, Dr. Ankit Shah)

Every day we need to run God’s course. “Run in such a way that you may obtain it (I Corinthains 9:24)  The way in which we run is full of self-control (vs. 25). It is with certainty, abiding by the rules—the commandments (2 Timothy 2:5). It is filled with discipline and endurance (Hebrewa 12:1). With our goal ahead in sight (Hebrews 12:2). our spiritual heart begins to change over time. Our lives are a journey. We are not the same babes in Christ, but rather are maturing day by day.  With running in the course of our Lord, we lose those things that are weighing us down (Hebrews 12:1), and gain capacity from God, who enlarges our hearts.

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

When I fall, I shall arise…

Today I take great comfort in  Micah 7. My dear friend, Leslie (pictured on right) texted today and said “I am praying Micah 7:8 for you right now. No words are enough to relate my thanksgiving for prayers in my behalf, in good times and on darker days. Our connection to heaven is the greatest power on the planet. The world around us has such an arrogant sense of what makes greatness. Greatness is enthroned in majesty and I call on that greatness. I know if I bow my knee to the gods of entertainment, sports, prestige, money, friends or career, I will bow in shame and regret when every knee bows. I want to bow in praise and thanksgiving. 

Here’s Matthew Henry on verses 8-13. I love the words of the Holy Spirit here and I drank in this commentary today. 

Those truly penitent for sin, will see great reason to be patient under affliction. When we complain to the Lord of the badness of the times, we ought to complain against ourselves for the badness of our hearts. We must depend upon God to work deliverance for us in due time. We must not only look to him, but look for him. In our greatest distresses, we shall see no reason to despair of salvation, if by faith we look to the Lord as the God of our salvation. Though enemies triumph and insult, they shall be silenced and put to shame. Though Zion’s walls may long be in ruins, there will come a day when they shall be repaired. Israel shall come from all the remote parts, not turning back for discouragements. Though our enemies may seem to prevail against us, and to rejoice over us, we should not despond. Though cast down, we are not destroyed; we may join hope in God’s mercy, with submission to his correction. No hindrances can prevent the favors the Lord intends for his church.

Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, Jehovah will be a light unto me.


Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Extra Digging about Joseph and Jesus…

Thinking about the Digging Deep study of Joseph and God’s comfort this morning. There are some key comparisons that can be made between Joseph and Jesus. Can you add to this list? 

Both were rejected by their brothers. 

Both were highly favored by their fathers. 

Both were persecuted for righteousness sake.

Both were providers of sustenance. 

Both were exalted to royalty.

Both offered forgiveness. 

Both were facilitators of entry into the promised land. 

Both resisted strong temptation. 

Both were stripped of robes. 

Both were tried before human courts and found guilty and were incarcerated. 

As you think about this, think about the psalm from which our  monthly study is taken: The key phrase is “…for thou art with me.” Closely on the heels of this phrase in Psalm 23 are the words “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.”   In a very tangible, real way, God prepared a feasting table for Joseph in the presence of His enemies  near the end of the book of Genesis. 

This morning, take comfort—rest—in the knowledge that your trials can be ingredients, being prepared and mixed and served, at last, before the enemies of the cross. They can be integral to His plan of victory for you. Take heart!

(Bonus dig: Can you find the passages in Genesis and in the gospels to substantiate these comparisons between Joseph and Jesus?)

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Podcast Date Change!


The podcast from the Sea of Galilee will be on Monday, November 7th at 8:15 a.m. CST rather than, as earlier announced, on Tuesday. Please note this change in your plans accordingly. I hope that some of you can join us live and that many more can watch this special edition in the archives later in the week. By that time in our trip, Julie and I will have many amazing scenes fresh on our minds and I know we will be pumped to get to share some of them with you. We will be discussing Paul’s sources of comfort with you, as well, just before we travel over to the great city of his imprisonment and death. I know we will return home richer in our hearts because of what we’ve seen and learned. 

Once more, the correct time for the October review will be Monday, November 7th, at 8:15 am CST. from Galilee’s shoreline. Thank you for praying for this trip. As always, we will keep the digging sisters in our prayers as we travel. 

Follow us on the facebook group “Digging Deep in Israel”. We’re also hoping to post a few short  videos for your children as we travel. These will be uploaded, if possible to the “Digging Deep in God’s Word” facebook group. 

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

His Comfort in Israel/Rome

We are leaving for Israel/Rome in three days and I have never felt so unprepared for any trip. I do not yet know what I am going to say in any of our Digging Deep sessions. I have not packed one thing. I’m having company in both my house and cabin as I leave and I am very glad they are all chill —about everything!…Because just about everything is in disarray. I brought home some hampers of laundry from Hannah’s house last night and I have decided “hamper” is a great word to represent what mountains of laundry does to your life. 

But it is well with my soul. I realize that only three weeks ago, I was pretty sure I would be doing this trip without my husband. I was pretty sure and I was, selfishly, pretty bummed. But God provides and, this time, through some very hard things, He provided my favorite travel partner for this trip. Together, we are going to trust the God of all Comfort and know that He is able to provide what we need in every way. I know it will be a most informative and life-changing time with God’s people as we are immersed with evidences that He is our God of all Comfort; that from Zion he still delivers His people from hopelessness. All of the little things that are good at making themselves loom large, really pale into trivia when God’s people take time to ponder the great redemption! I am determined to empty my soul of the trivial distractions and stand in awe as I grasp the arresting reality of what He did in visiting mankind two thousand years ago. It doesn’t matter where we praise Him, of course, but I am longing to praise him from what He called His “holy hill” again (Psalm 2:6).

I don’t know if I will be able to do this, but I am hoping to make, and post, some short video clips, on a child’s level, from various sites in Israel/Rome so that you can show them to your kids at Family Bible time. These are for my grandchildren, but your kids can be my grandkids, too! If you are interested in getting this, I will try and post over on the Digging Deep in God’s Word facebook page. My kids are excited, so I hope it works! Watch that page. 

For those who are going on the trip, please post your pictures and any comments on the Digging Deep in Israel facebook page. This is a public page, so invite your friends to join and watch your travels. This will be fun! (It’s okay if it gets very crowded on that page. We will be enjoying it for years to come!)

The Digging Deep in Israel and Rome facebook group is different. It’s just for the travelers

and contains pertinent information and questions and schedule changes, etc…for those going on the trip. That’s where we will be able to get/give  quick info that we need as we travel. We’re so grateful to the Moores and Bible Land Passages for being so extremely helpful and answering questions quickly and, in general, just being the godly people that they are! (There’s already some great information over there about things to bring to clean and hydrate and even about how much cash you will want to have on your person!) Be sure that you have the guidebook for the trip, either printed or downloaded for easy access. We found that to be extremely useful! 

Thanks to Jennifer Benavides, for helping us get the podcast transmitted and posted from the Sea of Galilee (and for keeping Oreo, Colleyanna’s kitty while we are gone). I hope some of you can watch the podcast live on Monday, the 7th of November at 8:15 am CST. I’m so happy that Julie Orr will be co-hosting! 

I know His comfort will be ours as we strive to glorify Him on this trip. All of the glory is His. That becomes very evident when you are standing in Gethsemane and hearing His words “If it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done,” or when you are sitting on the old temple mound singing “Be still my soul. The Lord is at thy side.” This trip, for which I’m woefully unprepared is just what my soul needs. 

I just hope I’m a little better prepared to cross the “Jordan” when it’s the final crossing from this life to the next! May God bless our passage now and then!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

First “Comfort” Podcast in the Books/ You Can Still Go to Israel!

The first “Comfort’ podcast is in the books. I would have loved for it to be on a calm night for the Colleys, but we were in two cities and I was in a panic-time at the nursing home with sick parents up until podcast time and afterwards, as well. (My supper was at 10:45 last night!…but I could skip a few meals and be just fine!) But, on the other hand, I think God did (and always does) provide just what we need when we need it, as His children. I think the break from care-giving at 7 pm last night to study His comfort in trials was an immense blessing for me, personally. 

But it’s surely not about me. You are patient and encouraging, though, and your comments were the best part of the podcast, by far. We’re thankful for Celine, taking time from the busy-ness of her week to be part of the podcast last night. She is a real student of the Word. I’m also grateful for your comments, pictures, and strength from afar. Below are a couple of notes from Virginia and Florida, respectively. Both represent new groups. It’s just a huge 21st century blessing that we can be living lives for Him—in HIm—from different geographical and logistical perspectives and still study together. I think Paul would have had a celebration of epic proportions if He could have studied with people this way. Let’s praise Him for this. Here are the notes:

While Cindy said there wasn’t a lot of comfort, I was thankful that we were able to see that the brethren responded in the way that helped the brother in 1 Corinthians 5.It also was comforting to see the comfort and encouragement that Titus, Paul and the brethren at Corinth experienced because of the repentance of EVERYONE involved.What’s interesting is Paul said in 2 Cor. 7:12 that it was “that our care for you in the sight of God might appear unto you”.Are we eager to rescue those that need rescuing? God is glorified when we do what HE wants us to. It makes sense because He is the ONLY One that provides forgiveness and salvation.Therefore we will be comforted and rejoice as 2 Cor. 7:13 says! Let’s look out for each other! I am thankful your encouragement helped me get this far this month!



I just finished listening to the Digging Deep podcast (we have a few hurricane days off school this week, so I’m doing some hurricane cleaning. 🙂 We have about a dozen of who are working through Digging Deep – For most of us, it’s our first time (including me!).I really didn’t know what to expect, but I’m grateful for the real life application and the connections we’re making to the actual city and people of Corinth. I’ve not done a study like this before. I’m grateful.

Lastly, it’s not too late to sign up for Israel. We have a few spots left!  Departure is October 31st. Just contact me if you need details. iI you are going to Israel and you are a digger and you want a  cute t-shirt  that says “Digging Deep-Israel” or some similar tag, let me know in a message in the next week. I’m thinking of having a few printed up. If you do want one, I’ll have to price them later, when I know how many, etc…Also, if you are going, please join the facebook group “Digging Deep in Israel.” That’s where we will primarily communicate, post pictures and share necessary info while getting ready to leave and while on the trip. Podcast will be live from Israel on November 7th at 8:00 am CST.  (It will be afternoon there.)  I think it will be full of comfort and I know it will have a beautiful backdrop! 

If you’re going to Israel and you have a DD shirt or hoodie (any year), please bring it and wear it on the 7th. We want a group picture, of course.