Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Guest Writer, Katie Burch–On the heart’s growing capacity…

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(Katie is on the left)

If you are into the study this month, you know we are digging into the Psalm 119 ABC’s of “Word-comfort”. Katie has excellent thoughts about the “Daleth” portion of Psalm 119, particularly the portion in which the Psalmist says “I will run the course of your commandments,” (vs 32). Do you want to gain a larger heart capacity? This is the capacity that matters not just on the medical heart monitor, but the kind of line-tracking that never flat-lines; the kind of line tracking (unlike your exercise monitor) that never lies. It’s accurate and eternal. The Word is your eternal heart-health monitor! 

Katie says this:

With regular rigorous aerobic activity, the athlete’s heart begins to change over time, growing larger and stronger with increased capacity. (MedStar Health, Dr. Ankit Shah)

Every day we need to run God’s course. “Run in such a way that you may obtain it (I Corinthains 9:24)  The way in which we run is full of self-control (vs. 25). It is with certainty, abiding by the rules—the commandments (2 Timothy 2:5). It is filled with discipline and endurance (Hebrewa 12:1). With our goal ahead in sight (Hebrews 12:2). our spiritual heart begins to change over time. Our lives are a journey. We are not the same babes in Christ, but rather are maturing day by day.  With running in the course of our Lord, we lose those things that are weighing us down (Hebrews 12:1), and gain capacity from God, who enlarges our hearts.

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