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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley Caleb Colley

I Found my List!

I have not been this excited to find a piece of paper in a long time. Last July, when I was speaking in Branson at Polishing the Pulpit, we discussed our troubled children, specifically the ones who seem bent on the deconstruction of Christianity in their lives. I promised, then and there, to pray, for the next year, for any children whose names were given to me that day.  I, in turn, asked for prayers for my children and grandchildren. The prayers of sisters are a powerful resource. Lots of names were given to me after I finished speaking that day. I left a sheet of paper on the stage just in case someone wanted to add a child’s name. 

I’ve grieved since that time because I lost that extensive list of children before I got home. I looked and looked. While I prayed for the group, as a whole, I could not pray for them by name. I did not even know enough to apologize to the mamas who had given me the names of the precious souls for which to pray. 

Saturday night, I found the list! While studying for another event, I began to look through some file folders that were stacked, believe it or not, in my pantry. (I know. You probably are not blessed to have a combination pantry and office.)  I was elated when that sheet of paper peeked out of that folder deep in that stack! Fifty-two names assigned to eternal souls that are extremely loved by women of God, have been added to my prayer list in the front of my Digging Deep book. Thirteen of the names are children who live together in a children’s home in Mississippi. 

Two of mine, with Kathy, @ PTP-Branson

It was my grief that I lost the list. It’s my honor, now, to pray for these children by name. I know what it’s like to plead for the children we love! Every name is representative of a life, full of value and events and circumstances and challenges. Each one represents an eventual departure from this life to an existence in one of two places. I wish I could pray every single one into heaven. I cannot. But I can pray for wisdom for their mamas. I can pray for opportunities to influence, for people in their lives who can help them see the need for Christianity always, and for extension of life for those who are lost. I can pray for their families. 

I know that my prayers are not more powerful than yours. But our prayers together are a particular way we can spiritually encourage each other and access THE power that can do more than we ask or imagine. To the mamas who asked me to pray, I’m so sorry I lost that list. And to the mamas who pray for our family, many thanks from a deep place!

Prayer changes things. 

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Random Conversations…10 things.

  1. Frustrated about this one after three “proofings”! In chapter three, it is obvious that the Big headline near the bottom of the page should read “Samson’s Mother”; not “Manoah’s Mother”. She was Manoah’s wife. So go correct your copies. Good catch by Marlon Retana, while translating. 
  2. If you want a shirt or hoodie, hard deadline is this Sunday. We are trying, like crazy, to get everything out to you. 
  3. If you are local to North Alabama, make your plans to come to West Huntsville on Saturday the 21st, to hear a ladies day about keeping our mental “selves” healthy in the Word and helping each other stay in a “good” place. I’m looking forward to it. Kim Chalmers and Katie Holder will talk to us. (As always, if you are able to attend, you get one pass, on one assignment, in the Conversations study, and you still get to be a finisher.) Message me with any questions. Register here:
  4. First monthly podcast will be on the 24th of September at 7. Watch the Digging Deep page for details and join us! Make your comments and ask your questions live from that page! We will try to address them all. It will be a great review of Month One! Pisa Soli will be joining me as co-host. For local ladies, she will also be leading the discussion on the previous night at West Huntsville.

    Pisa is on the left. Digger Rachel from Illinois is on the right.

  5. Be patient about your orders, especially if your order included a tote, shirt, or hoodie. All of those were hugely popular and are back-ordered. The good news is that all items arrive next week, so we will be shipping the back-orders next week. Thanks so much for your understanding. 
  6. Julie Orr, once again, is doing a phenomenal job in the virtual group “Mama’s Monday Moments” Details are all over the DD page and the Mama’s Monday Moments page, as well. She is a great Bible student, who is a faithful Digger, as well. I have to trust someone an awful lot to endorse without hearing every word of the MM virtual study. (It’s not that I know everything about the Bible, of course. It’s that I am fiercely protective of the study we do together. We ask hard questions, but we are ever dependent on the Word for the answers.) She is that kind of student/teacher. 
  7. This one is huge! THANK YOU! I have never, in all of my days, seen women who are more like Jesus, than the women who study along in our big group. Sometimes, when we (the Colleys) bungle an order, I cannot believe your grace and kindness. Thanks so very much! Proverbs 12 says “The tongue of the wise brings healing.” You bring us healing all the time and we are ever grateful!
  8. Please keep inviting. It’s such an easy catch up all the way through November, so fall is the “invite” time. Our book supply is running low, but we will order more, if the need arises. That’s a great problem to have. Invite! Then invite someone you failed to think of before. (And don’t forget there’s a free download!)
  9. Pray! Please pray daily for the study. Prayer changes things. And prayer changes my study from rote to real every week. He is so good.
  10. As you study Eve, resolve….Resolve to be keenly aware that the old devil has no new tricks, but he will surely use every one that made Eve succumb in the garden. He is crafty and quick and can ruin your life in a matter of moments. Don’t let him get all up in your fruit tree. Keep bearing good fruit.
Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep: Here’s the Table of Contents! (Congratulations, Lori Morris!)

Note the deadline: If you want to order a shirt or hoodie, this MUST be done by September 7th. This is your four day heads up! No orders taken after the 7th. Thanks for helping us get completed packages all out to you!

Here are the entries for the missing  Table of Contents for this year’s Digging Deep study guide. Just print your favorite and paste in your new book!  (These are from the ladies who submitted before the deadline and remembered to convert to jpeg prior to sending.) I love the way everyone went with the theme! They’re all great! Pick your fave. Copy, paste and print digitally  Then paste, in the old-fashioned way, with your Elmer’s or your Scotch tape. It will be the retro-page of your book. I hope the rest of the book will be retro, too: right back to the Book!


Entry #1–Kylie Frazier (Kathy Frazier’s daughter):

Entry #2–Amy Judd:

Entry #4– Rachel Valentin:

Congratulations to Lori Morris, The “Contents Contest” winner. Here’s hers:

I love that she thought of the little check boxes for podcast date reminder and completion. Lori, message me with your hoodie size and your address!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Guest Writer: Mitzi Jackson–We’re Off! Digging Deep ’24-’25

I say this every year but it’s worth the post. 

•If you are looking for a small group study- Do digging deep. 

•If you need accountability for Bible study- Do digging deep. 

•If you want a challenge- Do digging deep. 

•If you want to grow closer to God-Do digging deep. 

•If you need or prefer a guided study – Do digging deep. 

•If you like a personal study that you can do at your own pace- Do digging deep. 

•If you want to know more about the Bible-Do digging deep. 

•If you want to build close relationships with sisters in Christ- Do digging deep. 

•If you want a community of women who love you where you are and will encourage you to draw close to Jesus- Do digging deep. 

•If you are on the fence about digging deep- Do digging deep. 

-But even if you don’t do digging deep- find a way to get into His Word. There are so many ways.


If a one-on-one Bible study is more your style, let’s talk and we will make it happen! 

His word convicts us. 

His word equips us. 

His word transforms us.

His word instructs us. 

His word brings us salvation. 

His word brings us peace. 

His word shows us His character. 

These things cannot happen if we are not in His word. 

I just want to encourage you today to find a way to make it happen. Make it a priority.




Ladies that are doing this study… Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Do what you can and commit to staying plugged in. 

You will grow no matter how many questions you answer and no matter how many you leave blank. This isn’t for a test grade. 

It isn’t pass or fail. It’s Bible study. 

We all grow when we are in the word together and together we can do this! 

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Digging Deep ready-set-go time. Time to invite. Time to decide on a study-buddy or group. Time to pick a book or a download. Time to get a highlighter and a good study spot (or a bag of some kind, because it’s never the same spot.) Time to rejoice when someone says “Yes, I’df like to study that!” Time to be SOOO happy when your teen says “I’ll do it with you , Mom!” Time to give a book to a neighbor or friend, with a loaf of homemade bread and say. “I think you’d like this study.” 

My sister/friend Emily was cleaning floors for a client the other day and she asked her if she’d be interested, handing her a study guide. The lady sat out on the porch while Emily cleaned and, when the floors were done, she came back in and said “This looks soooo good. I would love to do this with you!” So there you go! Sometimes it’s that easy! 

And it’s the very best gift you can give a friend…to get her in the Word of God. It’s the only lasting gift. She can take it with her when she leaves this old world. 

Podcast dates for the remainder of the year are September 24th, October 29th, November 19th, and January 7th (that’s December’s podcast) So watch the DD page for details and links on those dates! 

And if you are not doing Digging Deep, that’s ok! Just be sure you’re in the Word! The method is relatively unimportant. But digging is life-and-eternity-changing!

Absolute last chance for ordering t-shirts or hoodies is September 4th! No more orders for those items after that date. We’re putting in one last order, so note that date if you’re thinking of ordering. (I still don’t have my hoodie. It keeps being given to someone else, so I’m in on that order!)  The piercing sound of package tape being applied is fully engaged in my house. Little “helpers” are all over the place…like Christmas elves. And I am longing for the momentary calm of sitting down with my Bible. I’ll get there, but it may be on a plane on the way to speak somewhere. It’s a blessed time of year!

Two more days to submit your entries for the Table of Contents contest ( Two more days till the official launch! 

Let’s get the “Conversations” going!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Six in the Mix…and Praising!

The most fun news of 2024! I’m a grandmother of six now. One more sweet Colley baby is being formed by our Creator and  Glenn and I are praising and praying for this little one daily. Our baby’s Father hears our pleas to heaven and for heaven, ultimately, for all six of our little grandchildren and for their parents. We are in awe at the profound blessing we have already have been given, but we anticipate cradling this sweet bundle in our arms next March. It will feel really good to have a baby’s tiny fingers around my thumb again. And it will be the norm for all of me to be wrapped around a tiny baby’s finger. (And, as I rock this baby next March, I will rock on back, in my mind,  a few decades, to a nursery in Pulaski, Tennessee, where I rocked his/her daddy in the middle of lots of nights, and it will feel amazingly sweet!..way sweeter than it felt in my twenties–the decade of sleepless nights!)

If you know me at all, you know I’m over the moon. There are some very special children in my life. Ezra, Colleyanna, Maggie, Eliza Jane, Ellis  and sweet baby Colley are at the heart of this group. But some of you who are reading are my “daughters” in a precious spiritual way and your children are mine, too. That’s a big blessing of being in the big family of God.

Layla, Henry, Sasha, Elizabeth and Mel are specifically  in my prayers tonight because of physical struggles. If I try to imagine prayers without the names and plights of babies, I’m hard pressed. I’m so thankful Jesus made it so clear about how much He cares for our little ones. 

And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.  Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.  Mark 10:13-16

I pray I will, in all ways, always, do all I can, as time goes by, to put THE good news down deep in the heart of this little one who is OUR good news! I know his/her parents will do just that.  God is so, so good! Just when you think you’ve had a little more than you can patiently take of some grief or problem, God says “See! I am doing a new thing!”

I’m so thankful for the original and ultimate  “new thing” of Isaiah 43:19 that also began with a tiny baby in Judea, and is the answer to all my griefs and problems! I can’t wait for heaven where all the tears are wiped away, all the evil is overcome and “all the things” that burdened are in the distant past of  a world that’ll then be ashes…a melted planet (2 Peter 3:10).  In the meantime, though, there’s a lot happening on the pre-burned-up planet that’s key to getting the people I love to that new place around the throne!

I love you fiercely to eternity, already, sweet baby C-3!