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Digging Deep Bible Study

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley Digging Deep Bible Study Featured

Digging Deep 2024-2025: Conversations

Digging Deep 2024-2025 is all about the up-close and personal conversations in which God spoke with women throughout Scripture. It begins in the garden of Eden when we hear God asking Eve, “What have you done?” The study continues to unpack conversations through the Old Testament and on beyond the open tomb when Jesus said, “Woman, why are you weeping?” It’s a year-long study that will show you His peace, protection and permanence. It will be deeply personal and convicting.

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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley Digging Deep Bible Study

The Branch (CrownM12E04)

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses the branch and God.

For more information about the Digging Deep Bible Study for Women, visit



Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley Digging Deep Bible Study

March On!

Wow! Time’s getting by. I hope you’re “March-ing on!” There’s one more D.A.B. still to be posted for February. It’s about capital punishment, once more, (which really has something to do with both Feb. and March…so good.) It’s time to get four more up on the seventh command about avoiding the destructive sin of adultery.
The March video podcast will be early (the sixteenth) and Holly Smith, who is a deep Bible student, joins us that night. I’m excited about some new equipment and expertise which is allowing us to use more cameras, a better mic, and better dual transmission on both Facebook and Livestream. That podcast is just eleven days away!
Please pray as the study for 2021-22 is being written in the last half of this month. Be thinking of whom to invite to join us this next year. All systems are go, so far, for Polishing the Pulpit in August in Sevierville, TN, where the topic for next year will be revealed. I’m always excited about that because it’s a personal source of strength for me as I get to see so many women genuinely excited about the Word in their hearts and actions.
Also remaining in the month of March, Glenn and I will be traveling to Jacksonville, FL for a gospel meeting and Hannah and I will be speaking at the Brushy church in Centerville, Tennessee on the 20th. The preliminary plans and the flyer for the November, 2022 Italy/Israel trip are being prepared. I hope to have those to you by mid March. Additionally, many of our churches will be making final preparations for the Lads to Leaders convention. As my husband is consumed with making sure his bases at the Nashville convention are covered, I am reminded to pray for all of those who are trying to make our conventions happen in the most challenging of times for gatherings and fellowship. This is just a hard task and prayers for wisdom for those who are working so hard to make this happen are the one thing we are all privileged to offer. I have seen firsthand and frequently the value of this program in young lives and congregations. It’s a providential tool that has impacted thousands and continues to ultimately lead to souls in heaven. So pray about this.
I’m not forgetting to pray for the legion of women who are hurting. Shirley has lost her husband, and so has Joan. Carol is fighting cancer. Nina is praying hard for a sick grandchild. Another Carol is having tests done. Patsy is awaiting medical test results, too. Maggie is suffering in several ways. Terri is having an amazingly hectic month. Dene’ is praying hard for several members of her family. Jen is praying for the children in her world. Tammy is struggling, physically. Mariah is a brand new Christian and working to be victorious. Amy is determined to keep her family in the Word while in, but not of, the world. Sarah is helping another family who is trying to do that, also. Lisa is going the second, third and fourth mile in taking care of people who need her. And my list could just go on from there. I know your’s does, too. If I know anything from this list that grows each time I open my phone or laptop, it’s this: We all need Digging Deep. The Word sustains, clarifies, strengthens and gives us joy. We need those things in this time when (perhaps it’s just my perspective), but it seems there’s an almost measurable and tangible increase in suffering and sorrow around us. You can be in the Word without Digging Deep, but I know that I’d be less equipped to be diligent in study without a concrete plan in my calendar.
Finally, pray for our country. Oh yes, pray for America. But I really mean pray for the country of our truest citizenship. Pray for the Kingdom that has its governmental headquarters in heaven. Pray that we can shine in this era of chaos and rebellion against the authority that emanates from heaven itself. Pray that we can find our way with the light of His Word to that throne of ultimate authority. May we do so with boldness in a world that largely mocks our devotion to King Jesus! Each of us is just one person, but our God is the God of loaves and fishes!