The Live Stream for the Digging Deep In God’s Word Video Podcast at 7:00 pm central. If this embed of the stream doesn’t work, please go to the Digging Deep Facebook Group. Thank you.
Live Video Podcast:
The Live Stream for the Digging Deep In God’s Word Video Podcast at 7:00 pm central. If this embed of the stream doesn’t work, please go to the Digging Deep Facebook Group. Thank you.
Live Video Podcast:
Podcast (digabit): Play in new window | Download (Duration: 10:15 — 8.8MB)
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Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses the Word on the monuments in DC.
For more information about the Digging Deep Bible Study for Women, visit
Digging Deep in God’s Word is a Bible study for women with Cindy Colley. For more information about the Digging Deep Bible Study for Women, visit
My husband, Glenn, is sharing these daily lessons from Philippians 4:8 for our West Huntsville family as we are necessarily (because of the virus) spending less time physically together in worship, study and fellowship. We may be “socially distanced,” but we’re a close-knit family and we want to keep it that way! One way to stay on track together, spiritually, is to think about a common passage and make applications for our lives together even when we are unable to assemble as frequently. I’m sharing these daily family lessons here for those in other places, whose families (or even congregations) might benefit from a common study in these uncommon days of semi-quarantine. Blessings.
From Glenn:
Wednesday Boost –Whatever is just:
The Greek word that Paul wants us to think about is dikaios, translated “just” or “righteous,” and it describes a person who is governed by righteousness—the will to do the right thing every time. With the Golden Rule Jesus taught us the greatest ethical standard ever imposed. He told us to decide our treatment of others based on how we’d like to be treated, ourselves (Matt. 7:12). That ethical tool will work regardless of age, gender, economic level, or geographic location. Anyone can use this and the end result can usually be described as just. A just man will treat you fairly. If he sells you his used Ford he will tell you all the truth about the car, just as he would want you to tell him if you were selling the car to him. You will sense that he is a good and honest man.
Enjoy with me a list of verses where this just is found:
Joseph, the future husband of Mary is described as a just man in the way he treated her (Matt. 1:19).
Jesus used it to describe righteous people versus those who were unrighteous (Matt. 5:45). He said that, in the judgment, the angels will come and separate the wicked from the just (Matt. 13:49).
In Matthew four, Jesus told a parable of a landowner who hired workers with this pay offer: “You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you’ (Matt. 20:4). The word right is the same Greek word as just.
Hypocrisy is when a man appears to be just/righteous on the outside, while inside, he is he is full of lawlessness (Matt. 23:28).
Pilate’s wife told him to have “nothing to do with that just Man” (Matt. 27:19). She was describing our Lord. When Pilate washed his hands, he used the same word to describe Jesus (Matt. 27:24).
Herod Antipas feared John the baptist because he knew John was a just and holy man (Mk. 6:20).
Jesus said there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance (Lk. 15:7).
The centurion at the foot of Christ’s cross saw Jesus breathe His last breath, saw the darkness, felt the earth tremble and exclaimed, “Certainly this was a righteous Man!” (Lk. 23:47).
While considering these examples and people, think of how valuable just people are in this world. Today, think about how grateful you are for people in your life in whom you can place complete trust. Use the word just to characterize them. After that, ask God to help you be just in all aspects of your life, in all interactions with people and with God.
Tonight’s Story Time
Additionally, I’d like to challenge those of you who have children to use this time to build family closeness in the Lord. For that reason I’m also suggesting that all our WH families be on the same nightly “story time” character: Joseph. He, like us, faced times that must have felt surreal.
Prepare by reading Genesis 40. Tell your children the details of what happened to Joseph while he was in prison. Then begin your discussion with these leading questions:
1. When Joseph was about to interpret the dreams of the butler and baker, he said, “Do not interpretations belong to God?” Why didn’t Joseph just say the interpretation was from him? When would it be good for us to say to others, “God did this”?
2. Joseph told the butler very good news, but he told the baker very sad news. Can you think of times when it is important to tell people bad news even though it may make them sad?
3. Joseph made the butler very happy by telling him what his dream meant. Joseph asked the butler to talk to Pharaoh about his unfair treatment and to tell Pharaoh that he wanted to be released. What are reasons it is very bad to tell someone we will do something, and then not do it?
4. Talk about how the butler failed to be fair to Joseph. Show them how the butler was happy for Joseph to help him, but he did not remember to follow the Golden Rule toward Joseph.
Have your small children practice the golden rule by repeating it several times, explaining it again and…
Having a plate of cookies or fruit and allowing the children to determine who chooses the first serving. See who does the best job of following the Golden Rule.
Having a bedtime story and determining who chooses the book.
Deciding who gets to sleep with a favorite stuffed animal.
Have each child quote or begin to memorize the Golden Rule.
Practice the KidSing Rule from yesterday.
Pray together, remembering to pray that the Golden Rule will always be “our family’s rule for how we treat each other.”
Several first-timers are asking for details about exactly how to do the 2019-2020 Digging Deep “Glory” study. Some have invited others (yay!) and these very significant “others”are needing the format for the study so they can begin with confidence. (Please do invite friends, especially your friends who are not Christians!) It’s so easy that it’s hardly worth a post, but, just in case you are overwhelmed with back-to-school, home-schooling or, better yet, congregational involvement overload, here it is: the study in a nutshell.
1. Every first day of every month beginning now, a new portion of the study will appear on the Digging Deep in God’s Word facebook page. That’s the place to find a concise copy of the current month’s study and the place to discuss the dig with others all over the world. Go there and see the discussion already happening! This year’s study has also been made available in a free download here and in a workbook called “Glory” also available online at the store.
2. Be sure and join the Digging Deep for Encouragement Facebook group as well. That’s the place for any prayer requests that are unrelated to the study.
3. Try your best to pace yourself throughout the month so that you can finish each month’s study by month’s end.
4. Keep your notes digitally or get the Digging Deep workbook. Either works fine. You just need someplace for notes!
5. Near the end of each month, there will be a live podcast discussing the month’s study. You will be able to type in your comments and questions in this chatroom and we will discuss them together:
6. There’s also an audio podcast that happens four times each month. If you prefer to listen to those instead of watching the video podcast each month, find them here: Optimally, though, you can learn from both formats!
7. You may optionally subscribe to this blog which will often, but not always, be an addendum to the study. It generally posts twice a week, usually on Mondays and Thursdays:
8. The last podcast of the year will come to you live from ‘Polishing the Pulpit” during that annual conference that occurs each August. Those present who have completed the entire study (all reading, questions, podcasts, and challenges) will be recognized there.
8 Anyone who wants a Digging Deep t-shirt, be sure and order here. We have to have the shirt orders quickly so as to get them back from the company and get them in the packages with the books in time for you to do the September study!
We are always indebted to the elders at the West Huntsville church for their support and oversight. We are thankful for Jennifer Benavides for tech support and for every woman who co-hosts on our monthly podcast. But we are especially thankful for those of you who are committing to, persevering in and inviting to this year’s study. It’s not too late to invite friends. Most of all, we thank the Father through the Son for this great study from the Holy Spirit!
It’s with deep gratitude that I’m able to tell you that the entire Authority study is now available in Spanish. There is no charge or this download and it’s located here: Cindy-Colley-Autoridad-2018 or on our website at!/Digging-Deep-2018-Autoridad-Spanish-Edition-Free-Download/p/144309003/category=0
The translation of a massive study like Digging Deep is no small feat and Marlon and Jacky Retana have been persevering volunteers to make sure this has been accomplished. They have been assisted, in big ways, by Katie Quintero, who has been a blessing to sisters through her translating abilities for many years. I pray that the study’s use will be for the heavenward reach of our Spanish-speaking sisters in many places and all for His glory.
Jacky approached me a couple of years ago and asked if she and her husband could put the Digging Deep study into their native language. They have tirelessly worked to make this happen and they are dedicated to being sure our next study is available at no cost to Hispanic sisters all over the world. ‘
I love the Word of God! Isn’t it just one more evidence of its inspiration that it is all-sufficient for the needs of people in all cultures in all time periods? So if you know someone who could benefit from a Spanish translation of Digging Deep, be sure to reach out and direct her to this link. I’d be surprised if there’s not someone in your sphere of influence who could be linked to the gospel in this way. There’s no greater gift you can give her in this lifetime than a path to the truth of God’s Word.
If you are benefitting already in your evangelism from this translation, reach out to the Retanas and Katie and let them know. An easy way to find them is through my facebook page (friend’s list). I know it would encourage them. May God ultimately be glorified in this work of translation and in every heart, study, practical application and fellowship that’s Digging Deep!