Last minute Christmas or gifts for giving throughout 2025! Choose any four of the following books and get them all for $25.00 just in time for ’25! We hope something in this stack can encourage someone you know in a heavenward direction. So pick any four of the following–any combination–and get them–ALL FOUR– for just $25.00 plus shipping. Offer is good while supplies last or through January 31, 2025. Go ahead while we have them! You can do it multiple times over for a super-reduced price for a digging deep class! Or you can hand-pick 4 gifts for giving throughout the year. These will not be this inexpensive again in ’25! We hope your ’25 is blessed and all for His glory!
Poems, Prayers and Promises Daily Planner
The Ten ( Digging Deep study)
The Hour has Come (Digging Deep study)
GUARD (teen and college boys’ study)
Cindy Colley on Homeschooling
The Crown (Digging Deep study)
Depending on what you choose, the prices reflect varying substantial savings off of original prices. Some combinations are, in the bundle, almost 2/3 off of original prices! Click here to order.
Several first-timers are asking for details about exactly how to do the Digging Deep study. Some have invited others (yay!) and these very significant “others” are needing the format for the study so they can begin with confidence. (Please do invite friends, especially your friends who are not Christians!) It’s so easy that it’s hardly worth a post, but, just in case you are overwhelmed with back-to-school, home-schooling or, better yet, congregational involvement overload, here it is: the study in a nutshell.
1. Every first day of every month beginning now, a new portion of the study will appear on the Digging Deep in God’s Word facebook group. That’s the place to find a concise copy of the current month’s study and the place to discuss the dig with others all over the world. Go there and see the discussion already happening! This year’s study has also been made available in a free downloadand in a printed workbook called Conversations is also available in the store.
2. Be sure and join the Digging Deep for Encouragement Facebook group as well. That’s the place for any prayer requests that are unrelated to the study.
3. Try your best to pace yourself throughout the month so that you can finish each month’s study by month’s end.
4. Keep your notes digitally or get the Digging Deep workbook. Either works fine. You just need some place for notes!
5. Near the end of each month, there will be a live podcast discussing the month’s study. You will be able to type in your comments and questions in this chatroom and we will discuss them together: All podcasts are archived on our YouTube channel, as well, so if you can’t listen live, you can listen later. Video podcasts generally occur on the last Tuesday of each month, but we will let you know the exact schedule well in advance on the podcast and on both of the Facebook pages. (If you want to go and listen to podcasts from other years, you may do that, too.)
6. You may optionally subscribe to this blog which will often, but not always, be an addendum to the study. It generally posts twice a week, usually on Mondays and Thursdays:
7. The last podcast of the year will come to you live from ‘Polishing the Pulpit” during that annual conference that occurs each August. Those present who have completed the entire study (all reading, questions, podcasts, and challenges) will be recognized there.
8. Anyone who wants a Digging Deep t-shirt, be sure and orderhere. We have to have the shirt orders quickly so as to get them back from the company and get them in the packages with the books in time for you to do the September study!
We are always indebted to the elders at the West Huntsville church for their support and oversight. We are thankful for Jennifer Benavides for tech support and for every woman who co-hosts on our monthly podcast. But we are especially thankful for those of you who are committing to, persevering in and inviting to this year’s study. It’s not too late to invite friends. Most of all, we thank the Father through the Son for this great study from the Holy Spirit!
Digging Deep 2024-2025 is all about the up-close and personal conversations in which God spoke with women throughout Scripture. It begins in the garden of Eden when we hear God asking Eve, “What have you done?” The study continues to unpack conversations through the Old Testament and on beyond the open tomb when Jesus said, “Woman, why are you weeping?” It’s a year-long study that will show you His peace, protection and permanence. It will be deeply personal and convicting.