Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Your books are coming!

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ABOUT THE BOOKS…As is true every year, I am getting lots of questions about the arrival date of books…emails, texts, fb messages, and calls. Glenn says he has mailed them all as of this morning, except for a few that had shirts in the order. I asked him to go ahead and ship those , too, and your shirts, that are out of stock and being reordered will come in a few days. (We will reorder those early next week.) While our USPS is still in COVID mode, there are some delays and some of them are more likely to happen in certain areas of the country. Glenn has a massive paper trail and we will track down your orders if you do not get them within the next week. In the meantime, don’t forget that you can download the material for free if you want to get started and do not have the printed materials in hand. But I would also say that, if you get your book by the 15th of September, you will still likely have ample time to complete the assignments before the podcast on the 28th. (I’m kind of counting on that, myself. The Colley house has had way too much going on this August/September. Just WAY TOO much!) Now, also remember that, if you do want a shirt or hoodie, the deadline to order is September 10th…almost there! Then those should go out to you around the middle of the month. I love my t-shirt and I am ordering a hoodie. (Somehow Glenn let mine go to someone else!)
There are plenty of books in our basement. Keep inviting, keep studying and keep praying. I’m praying hard for this year’s study and for every heart in this group, starting with my own. I want to fully appreciate this month the purposeful nature of the details of redemption.
And I want a cookie! Can you believe Julie Orr? She can put ANYTHING on a cookie. I stand amazed (and salivating!)!
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