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Digging Deep-The Hour Has Come

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

The Window in Zion

I’m loving these pictures of your letters to the elders at West Huntsville. My husband came home from a meeting with those men last night and said they had a big stack of those encouraging notes from you. You are blessing. 

I am traveling one of the most fearful parts of the path, as I write. My knowledge that the Spirit is working, through the Word, and that it is even a little bit resultant from something in which I had a small part to play, is knowledge to which I cling. If something good can be coming from my days right now, that reality provides a balm. I know I’m not alone. Many of you are right there in a million different collective ways. This life is the veil of shadows. Remembering that it is a testing ground is a blessing of stamina and renewed determination. We can emerge victorious over sin and death. We will! So you are blessing me, too, in that knowledge. Thank you for studying. Thanks to so many of you who are completing right now. The last two dig-a bits for “The Hour” are going to the final phase today. They will be short and sweet so you can listen before the reveal which is just three days away! Saturday!

I am finishing up the last of several lessons for Polishing the Pulpit. Three years is way too long to do without this spiritual buffet. God just reaches in through this amazing gathering, lifts up our souls and applies, through His Word a renewal that cannot be imagined unless you’re there. This morning, I am focusing on turning our children into preachers and preachers’ wives. My prayer is that we can turn them into Christians! Have you ever thought about the fact that, if we, with His help, turn them into Christians, we cannot shut their evangelistic mouths when they become adults? They WILL be saying the good news in a world of bad news. They will not be able to help it. They WILL be light in the darkness. They will not be able to contain the light that is Jesus. They WILL be the city on the hill, because the hill is Zion and it cannot be moved. They will be on the hill!

I will have a hug for some of you in the next few days. I’m looking forward to that. We cannot do this without each other. Aren’t we thankful God chose the church before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4; 1 Peter 1:10)?  This little space called life is our window of opportunity. I’m glad we share the window in His Zion! 

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

The Persecuted Spirit

Sometimes I believe the Holy Spirit may be the most persecuted of the Godhead. Jesus was persecuted for 33 years in the flesh. The Holy Spirit, though, has been blasphemed daily since time began, when the word is mocked and when men who claim the Word as guide today walk in duplicity. I am understanding more and more why the sin for which there’s not forgiveness is that hardness against the Word of salvation (the blasphemy of the Spirit).The Spirit is not just the last best hope for the souls of men. It is the LAST hope.  I love Him. I cannot believe the relevance to our day of writings that were penned by mere men 3000-plus years ago, but originated in the mind of God. When I pray the Psalms (I am praying Psalm 10 today, and it is incredibly encouraging), I love the Spirit more and more. I stand amazed at Him. You can feel pretty small knowing you can hold and read and apply the Words of the persecuted, blasphemed Spirit. I submit that, not only does the Christ know and understand our heartaches and fears and limitations, but the Spirit knows, too. Maybe that’s why Jesus called Him the Comforter. Maybe that is why, though His revelation for this world is complete, the Bible teaches that His advocacy in heaven, along with that of Christ’s is working for us. 
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:25-28).
I love the fact that, in John 14, when Jesus promised the miraculous Spirit to the apostles, He said that the world would not be able to see Him. Jesus would be persecuted to the cross because they could see and seize Him in the garden. The Spirit, while working miraculously in the first century could not be seen or seized.
 …even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him” (John 14:17).
I’m glad He finished His revelation work and that the Word He left will never pass away (Matthew 24:35). I want to accept the Spirit, through my internalization of and obedience to the words of this Book. I want to glorify the Spirit by telling others of His work. I love Him!
Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep–Still a Simple Catch-up!

The podcast is happening tomorrow night at 7 CST here: I hope you will join the live-stream version so we can have your written comments. Create an account and log in, if possible, so we will know you’re there. This discussion is beneficial to me, for sure, and I know you will help others with your comments and questions. We will try to hit anything you bring up that’s been challenging or rewarding in this month’s study.

PLEASE, please invite your “non-churched” friends or friends of other faiths. Women who have sincere hearts, who want to know the good news for their souls WILL learn it if they dig with us this year. It will be an inescapable, but tender revelation from the Savior–an invitation from the One who bore our iniquities and was smitten for our griefs (Is. 53). Invite sisters, too, who can invite others who need the gospel.

Remind newcomers to watch the how-to video here ( and remind them that the catch-up is easy at least though the month of October. Further, even if you jump in at any point, you’ll be blessed, because this is the story of Jesus in its purest form. Everyone should know and study and love this story above all others. Write on my heart every word!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Your books are coming!

ABOUT THE BOOKS…As is true every year, I am getting lots of questions about the arrival date of books…emails, texts, fb messages, and calls. Glenn says he has mailed them all as of this morning, except for a few that had shirts in the order. I asked him to go ahead and ship those , too, and your shirts, that are out of stock and being reordered will come in a few days. (We will reorder those early next week.) While our USPS is still in COVID mode, there are some delays and some of them are more likely to happen in certain areas of the country. Glenn has a massive paper trail and we will track down your orders if you do not get them within the next week. In the meantime, don’t forget that you can download the material for free if you want to get started and do not have the printed materials in hand. But I would also say that, if you get your book by the 15th of September, you will still likely have ample time to complete the assignments before the podcast on the 28th. (I’m kind of counting on that, myself. The Colley house has had way too much going on this August/September. Just WAY TOO much!) Now, also remember that, if you do want a shirt or hoodie, the deadline to order is September 10th…almost there! Then those should go out to you around the middle of the month. I love my t-shirt and I am ordering a hoodie. (Somehow Glenn let mine go to someone else!)
There are plenty of books in our basement. Keep inviting, keep studying and keep praying. I’m praying hard for this year’s study and for every heart in this group, starting with my own. I want to fully appreciate this month the purposeful nature of the details of redemption.
And I want a cookie! Can you believe Julie Orr? She can put ANYTHING on a cookie. I stand amazed (and salivating!)!
Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

2 More Days!…Stuff You Need to Know.

I’m so excited that, because Lindsay and Jack VanHook have been working tirelessly, the free download for The Hour Has Come is here:!/Digging-Deep-2021-2022-The-Hour-Has-Come-FREE-DOWNLOAD/p/384587391/category=0                                    Feel free to download and then print as many as you need. Please do not reprint the spiral book itself. We appreciate your help in that way. 

The study officially begins in two days on September 1st. Watch the video here ( for potential answers to questions you may have. 

SPARK was a big success! Thanks to all who contributed money or food, helped teach all ages, and worked so hard in lots of capacities.  You were generous and sacrificial beyond what I could have dreamed! I learned so many things from so many people! I am just thankful to God for this gathering.

T-shirts are being ordered one more time, but if you want a shirt or hoodie, your order must be placed at by September 10th.

Don’t forget to tell your husband’s about 2021-22 Men’s Digging Deep. It will enrich your household. I promise.






And if you were named on the SPARK reveal as a finisher who is receiving a free DD tea towel, please remit upon receipt of the tea towel, three dollars for postage. You can PayPal the postage to Those who were present, of course, have already received theirs and the others are going out tomorrow.

Finally, this is the prayer list from our ladies’ prayer session at Spark. I know many of you will take the time to remember our sisters and their requests as you go to God. Our effectual, fervent prayers avail much! 

Covid patients all over our land. Specifically: Dot Qualls, Manchester, TN, and Ellie who is suffering mentally from the disease.

Those in danger in Afghanistan

Victims of flooding in Tennessee. Specifically Pinewood church and those in Waverly

Those in our congregations who have been widowed in recent months.

Jessica—a single mom who was baptized recently and is struggling to go to school.

Rachael—struggling with a situation that makes her need to be single for the rest of her life. 

That we may all be soul-winners and complete our God-assigned tasks.

Courage for a couple who needs to re-locate for worshipping because of an unhealthy church situation. 

Praise for a daughter who has located a good job.

Praise for a daughter who has returned to the Lord.

Praise for a son-in-law who has been baptized and is growing in Christ. 

Prayer for a son-in-law’s job situation.

Prayer for two congregations that need to reunite. 

Paige—to be a better Christian and bring lost family members to Him. 

Patricia—stage 4 liver cancer

Jim—that he might find the right meds to alleviate severe pain

Dena—medical test results, to find a good doctor, and proper treatments.

Dena’s father-in-law—recovery from surgery and comfort in loss of a loved one.

That a sister who is needing energy might find it and be useful till her passing. 

Prayers for our congregations’ members who are not committed to serving Him. 

For Jake and Zach, that they may find the path that God wants for them. 

Prayers for students at FHU who are sick with Covid and for the administration as they make decisions resultant from the disease. 

Genevieve —wisdom from the Lord for tough situations.

Kat —health and safety for unborn baby. 

Betty —cancer patient, hospice called in.

Janice—physical heart issues

Samuel —Spiritual heart issues.

Fred and Alora—healing and deliverance

Leisa—cancer diagnosis, knee surgery struggles, 

Eliza, Ruby, and Lilly—little girls with grave health issues

Jenny—daughter Rebekah as she studies DD and keeps growing

Jenny’s son Jakob and wife, wife is deployed

Wylla —on hospice, dementia

Jenny—struggling with sinful language. 

A sister who is struggling with an estranged family relationship and how that might affect the faithful congregation.

A family grieving mightily because of sin and betrayal, and also for the churches that suffer because of immorality in the camp.

And always, finally, PRAISE for the faithfulness of the mighty God we serve!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

The Shipping Tsunami Has Hit the Colley House!

We are thankful for the wonderful time of learning and fellowship in which many of you participated at the West Huntsville SPARK 2021. Many of you were present and even more participated to some extent online. Women are consistently telling me it is exactly what they needed. Many add “I did not even know how badly I needed this!” (I am one of the women who felt that exact way!)

And now the real muscle work starts. here is what you need to know. We are expediting shipping as quickly as we possibly can. The Colleys have plates that are spilling out all over table right now, but we are committed to getting orders to you in the very most efficient way possible. Your patience is always a testimony to the kind of women who are in the WORD. We’re just thankful for that about you!

Next, NOTICE: THE LAST DATE ON WHICH YOU MAY ORDER A T-SHIRT OR A HOODIE WILL BE SEPTEMBER 10TH! We are going to print them one last time once we get all the orders in. Tell your friends because it makes us so sad every year when we have folks who REALLY wanted one, but didn’t get the order in. They are very expensive to print after this second printing in September, so we will not be printing after that. You can order them (and all DD-related items) here:!/Digging-Deep/c/20688312

Finally, tell your husbands about the men’s study that will complete a very good couple’s Bible study for the year. Even if he is studying on the break at work and you are studying before the day begins, this study will give you fodder for spiritual conversation whenever those moments give you opportunity– conversation that will enrich your marriage and make your home stronger. Your godly husband will need to decide what’s best for his personal study, but I wouldn’t miss suggesting this to Him!