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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Some Rich Resources You May Be Missing! (PTP, H2H, and Glad Tidings)

Sometimes when waiting to board a plane to return home after an event, I’m sad for the group of Christians I’m leaving behind. Sometimes the group is very small and individuals struggle to find the teachers and encouragement that they need. That’s not the case as I leave the Lakeside church in Orange Park (Jacksonville) Florida. I watched elders who were onsite all day long for four incredible days. Not only were they onsite, but their radar was obviously up for any problems. They were moving about the kitchen, the auditorium, greeting the people and, in general. working to be sure things ran smoothly. It was obvious they had spent time in planning and prayer prior to the event. There were good numbers of people present and ladies in my classes were extremely encouraging. The singing was incredibly moving and the lessons were packed with the Word and practical applications. I’m richly blessed and so grateful to have been a part of this strengthening Spark, produced by this church and Polishing the Pulpit. The hospitality and kindnesses to Glenn and me were so very generous.

The reason I’m writing, though, is that there may be readers who are still unaware of  the great resource that the combined efforts of House to House/Heart to Heart, Polishing the Pulpit, and Glad Tidings provides to those who find themselves trying to serve our Lord from areas of the world that are struggling though spiritual famine. Here’s a short and non-exhaustive list of what you may be needing. 

***Affordable books and an awesome variety of tracts that are encouraging and are great tools for evangelism (from Glad Tidings). 

***Thousands of lessons on hundreds of topics available with your subscription to PTP365 (from Polishing the Pulpit).

***Two yearly conferences that are the best and biggest for Christians held each summer in Branson, MO and Sevierville, TN. Hundreds of lessons and speakers for all ages and spots in the body of Christ. This is a great place to start! If you go once, you’re hooked (from Polishing the Pulpit)! …There’s a recap video of this year’s PTP on this page:

***An annual nationwide door-knocking opportunity with provided materials to expedite evangelism in your community. (from House to House).

***Several and varied annual locations for PTP Spark conferences. These four or five day mini-PTP conferences are great opportunities to get the feel for what the large summer conferences in Tennessee and Missouri offer. PTP puts together your topics and speakers and lots of the advertising for your congregation. It’s a great opportunity to  boost the Lord’s work in your area. (This is the event we just finished in Jacksonville, Florida. It’s from Polishing the Pulpit.)

***House to House/Heart to Heart is a monthly  publication distributed to the community that surrounds your congregation’s meeting place. Full of information about the church and lighter spiritual reading for those in your community who may know little about the church, House to House also makes sure the local congregational  events you’d like your community to know about are displayed in each issue.

***The Spiritual Sword is also a monthly publication mailed to thousands of locations around the world,. Each month there’s a particular doctrinal  theme. The little book is full of articles by good and faithful writers who have studied the Word. Difficult questions are often addressed. This is meat! (House to House/Heart to Heart…If it’s not there yet, ;look for it soon!)

***Congregational Evangelism Seminars by Rob Whitacre. I cannot wait for this to happen at my home congregation next spring. I’ve heard so many good things about this work (House to House/Heart to Heart)!

Today, I’m just saying you can grow spiritually, by leaps and bounds, if you take advantage of even one of the resources listed. The entire list may seem overwhelming. Wade slowly in, though, and you will be swimming in deeper (and more fulfilling) spiritual waters! The best part is, every single one of the resources listed here have produced multiple opportunities for people  to come to know Christ. Through each of these, people have been saved by the blood of Christ. Some of them have been the door for hundreds!

Here are the three sites you need:

You’ll be blessed!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Parenting Seminar, Digging Schedule, and Wisdom from Shelby Camp

I think we never get enough good and Biblical information about parenting. The devil is the lion and he loves the easy prey–our kids (1 Peter 5:6).

So, Saturday at West Huntsville, parents will receive some elder-invited training from 12:30-3:00 pm from Ben Hayes. I plan to be there and I am praying for eternal blessings from this teaching. It will be live-streamed and archived at Perhaps this might be useful for some of you. I don’t personally know Ben, but I am praying for him today.

In other news, we are currently “caught up” on the DD orders although “caught up” can never happen for very long! (That’s a good thing!) You downloaded more free copies, ordered more study guides, and fun stuff than you ever have before. Glenn has worn his old body out in packing and shipping. If you don’t have what you ordered (if you ordered before today)  by the end of September, there’s a problem and we will track it down or re-send. We have all new blue mugs and we have re-ordered stickers, because you have stuck so many of them all over the place! Don’t forget the podcast is next Tuesday night at 7 CST! It will be on the FB page and here:

We’ve scheduled the podcasts for the rest of 2023. This year, it seems, my schedule is particularly tricky toward the end of the months, so the schedule is a little off-kilter. Much of what I do has to be scheduled far in advance, so there are often conflicts. But, maybe by knowing ahead, you can make it work. There’s a particularly long (and more relaxing) podcast break over the year-end holidays. I find this helpful and I hope you will like it, too. Here are the podcast dates to get us through January:

October 17th

Nov 21st

January 9th

January 30th

Remember, too, if you don’t get every question done prior to the podcast, join us anyway and you’ll get a jump on what you’re lacking. If you don’t get all of every page done–ever–it’s still worth whatever time you are able to put in the study. It’s eternally rewarding to be in the book whenever we can. (And, sometimes, for me, “whenever I can” is more often, and for longer, than I really do get in there!)


I just saw this article by digger, Shelby Camp. She’s just so right. I hope you can read:

Followers of Christ,

I read a Facebook post a couple days ago that was encouraging. It got me where it hurts. It stepped on my toes and pricked my heart. I even had a second thought about how I treat people in my home because of it. It was a positive thing and I’m glad I read it. It reminded me to be a mom who is present and understanding with my kids. Then I listened to a podcast about something similar. It was spiritual in nature, and it gave me some practical advice on how to implement Godly actions. But my actions didn’t consistently change. It was good advice and I wanted to implement it, I felt passionate about it, but it was rooted in emotion. Today, I was more tired. Today, my kids were more demanding. Today, I faced something bigger than what they spoke about in the podcast and I didn’t have a sword to fight it.
Then I went to Colossians 3 about “Putting on the New Self and letting the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.” My toes were stepped on, my heart was broken, my repentance was the response, my actions were changed, and I was able to put in the practical skills I had read earlier in that Facebook post because I put meat on it. I grabbed my sword and stood up to fight the enemy. I can be that better mom because of it. I can be the friend I want to be because of it. Because it isn’t me anymore, it’s Him.
These are the words of Jesus in John 15:3-4 “Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” If we are just relying on the “spiritual thoughts” of our local preachers, the Facebook posts someone “good” shares, a great podcast, a slew of “encouraging the soul books,” but we aren’t attached to The Vine, abiding in Jesus and His Words first and foremost, everyday, then we are like the branch that withers. Jesus describes this in verse 6: “If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, and thrown into the fire, and burned.” In verse 9-10: “As the father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my LOVE. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love…” (Go, abide in His Word, and read the entire chapter).
So when we read a Facebook post that really validates the way we feel about something concerning God or the church or our own sin or the way we think concerning things of the Bible or the way we act in our home, do we go to His Book to make sure it’s Truth validating us and to double check that it’s not our own emotions leading us astray or the Devil? Are we connected to the vine, the source for all Truth, Jesus and His Words, so that we have more than “encouraging words” and “passionate emotions” to combat the enemy we face every day? There is real power in the Word of God and in being immersed in the actual Jesus, rather than what others say “About Him and His Word.” This goes for conversations with friends/family, books we read, or things we listen to… I love talking about God and His people, I love reading books about spiritual things, I love a good podcast or sermon series that encourages me as a Christian and these things can be great tools in my belt… and I listen and refer to them on a weekly, almost daily basis, BUT if I’m choosing to indoctrinate myself with every dose of that while not immersing myself WAY MORE in God’s Book and finding out the Truth of His Word in my life for myself, I could easily be persuaded (accidentally and unknowingly) by something that isn’t actually from God. I don’t know if that makes sense… but let’s make sure those voices “about God” are actually FROM GOD ALMIGHTY.
Here are a few verses from 2 Timothy 3:14-4:18 (but go read The Book for yourself… read all of 1 and 2 Timothy today after scrolling or reading or listening to something that is only a reflection or maybe less than a reflection of God’s Words – don’t replace your personal bible study today with something that isn’t actually Bible Study):
“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you have learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof; for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work… preach the word… be ready in season and out of season… with complete patience… for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”
And what are we doing this for according to scripture?? Where is the hope? See verses 17-18:
“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have KEPT THE FAITH. Henceforth there is
laid up for me the crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all
who have loved his appearing.”



Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

This Present World

I’ve been studying about Demas. He just started so strong…listed as coworker with Paul and Luke. He was in there. (Philemon 1:24; Colossians 4:14) But by the time Paul was writing that final letter of 2 Timothy, Demas had totally forsaken Paul because he loved this present world (4:10). It’s so sad when people who started out with great zeal and commitment, love the world more than the Lord. The people who had the most influence for good can hurt the cause most severely, injure people profoundly and, in general, do the most harm.

It’s also comforting to know that we are not always responsible for investing in people who will end up hurting the church. Paul was invested in Demas. He boasted of his faith and sent greetings to struggling churches and individuals–letters that included the commendation of Demas. Paul was a Demas-supporter.(Truth is, we have to be invested in some people who will walk away, because we are not readers of the heart. The Lord looks on the heart. We are just commission responders.) Loving the present world, though, enough to walk away from truth, is so very tragic. It deeply hurts innocent people.  It’s why we still hurt for Paul when we read about Demas.

I don’t want to take my eyes off the other world–the one that’s not “this” and “present”. But it is “that” and “future”. I’m staying with Paul’s inspiration, Luke’s words from the Spirit, and the blessing of being a coworker–a partaker–in the sufferings of Christ, if granted that opportunity (2 Corinthians 1:7)

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Life’s Sweetest People

The five sweetest people in our family are completely and utterly “un-messed-up” by sin. It’s a wonderful thing to watch young grandchildren live their lives so voraciously–just hungering for life’s next adventure while having zero enemies and zero concerns about the state of the Union, much less the world. It’s the most refreshing thing to try and back out of the reality in which Satan has placed us all, and look at today through their eyes. This day is just the next opportunity to live and laugh and love God. 

Here’s the prayer our oldest, Ezra, led yesterday at lunch. I want to remember its sweetness. 

Dear God, 

Thank you that we got to go and worship you today. Thank you for this food that Mammy made for us. Thank you all the things you give us every day. (Then Eliza started chiming in her prayer requests, so Ezra added those—“Thank you for Eliza’s teacher in her class. Help Eliza to obey.”) Help us to all be good. Thank you for our nice, soft beds we get to sleep in. In Jesus” name, Amen. 

Amen. He is just so, so good. If you have young children or grandchildren, take the time to savor the world through innocent eyes now and then, 

Just before bedtime, a giant spider began weaving her web in extreme intricacy,  just above the trash can that Ezra’s mom was just about to pull to the road. Ezra wanted us all to see God’s amazing design in that spider and web. His mom showed us that even on his underside, God had made this spider have an ugly “face”  to scare away her predators. Ezra ran to get a flashlight, so we could see the amazing intricate web she effortlessly spun. We even watched the spider’s huge shadow on the brick behind her, as the light shone on her, casting a sci-fi-worthy image on the side of the house. Ezra commented about our amazing God. (I’m so glad that He has given us the things we need to resist THE predator of our lives, when we really want to resist Him.)

Oh, and that little spider, just like that little boy, can weave her way into places that I could never even go. “The spider taketh hold with her hands,
and is in kings’ palaces” (Proverb 30:28).

God is amazing. May I remember today that the child’s perspective is the real one. He loves us and He has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). 

“Suffer the little children to come to me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”…words of Jesus, who conquered life’s  horrific “messer-upper” for me. 


Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Forever the Sentimentalist

Forever the sentimentalist, I wanted to honor the memory of my cousin and I wanted to see (and hug) the other cousins who would be mourning the passing of my sweet Sandy Smith Prado. To attend this funeral, I’d need to be back in that church building where I worshipped with my aged father scores, maybe even hundreds, of times during his latter years. It’s always a little bittersweet to be there. So many memories come flooding back. It’s where he fell and broke his wrist in the parking lot, while on my watch. It’s where he got confused, while ill,  and  came into the auditorium on that Friday, wearing his coat and tie and carrying his Bible. He thought it was Sunday. One of those dear cousins found him lying up near the communion table later that day, barely conscious. (He recovered and lived happily for several more years.) The graves of both my parents and both sets of grandparents are just across the street from this building.

But there are so many more sweet memories than difficult ones. This is the place where my grandparents and my parents worshipped and it was on the third pew, on the left, where I was trained to behave and sit still during worship. Several days went down in infamous history. There was one Sunday when I stood up on that pew at age three and sang the commercial jingle “Winston tastes good like a (clap-clap) cigarette should.” (Needless to say, there was never a repeat performance of that.) There was another Sunday morning when I forgot to take off my little shorty-pajamas and put my little-girl panties-on under my dress. My mom discovered that omission when we were en-route to worship and so she said “How embarrassing that will be when people see you have on your pajamas!…You will have to sit very still today so no one will know.”  She said I had never sat so still for an hour in my whole little life! I can still smell the wooden tables the men of the church had built and placed in those beige-tiled classrooms and I can still feel the slats in the seats of those now-vintage ladder back classroom chairs. I can see those 20th Century Christian workbooks and attendance charts. Those were good days. 

When my sisters and I met up at Sandy’s funeral, I brought the old stroller from our childhood days to return it to my sister Sami. We’ve been passing around the old metal and wooden stroller for years now. Whoever has the youngest baby in the family has the stroller, so that all the babies get a chance to have a picture made in that old piece of nostalgia. Eliza Jane was passing it on along for baby Ashton. 

And so I was there, with both my sisters, in the yard of the Jacksonville church and I realized: This is the stroller that my parents were pushing us around in when we were worshipping with them at this place. And right over there is one of the big oak trees that were planted on this church lot within a few weeks of my birth. They were just saplings planted by my father, just after the property was secured for the church.  The trees are huge now, but children still play around and under them while their parents visit after worship, just as we did during the 1960’s as our parents talked and laughed and sometimes had “dinner on the ground.” (Our mothers had bigger hair and smaller bank accounts than most mothers today! Our mothers had stockings with garter belts and  and our dads had pocket watches and tie-tacks. We kids rolled around in that old Rambler as we drove to church—no car seats or even seat belts. Sometimes my daddy even held one of us in his lap while he drove.) Those were good days. (i really love also that there are JSU buildings in the background of the pictures. These are buildings that my grandfather and my uncles helped to build. There are also buildings back there in which my parents got their training to be school teachers in the mid-twentieth century.) Did I say that I can get a little sappy about the past?

And, as we remembered, we grabbed a phone and made a few pictures. (Now, there’s a sentence we would have never said back in 1965!) I’m glad for the quick pictures of the stroller in the churchyard under the old tree. I will treasure them for whatever time I have left on this earth. Eliza Jane did not want to pass the stroller along to baby Ashton Nicholas. She cried.  She wanted her turn to last a little longer. Truth be told, so did I. If only the babies’ turns to be babies could last a little longer. If only the end of the stroller days were a little more gentle on a mammy’s emotions.

My dad pushing Hannah at Noccalula Falls. Caleb, who now preaches for the North Jackson church in the foreground, with antics. =) My mother in the background.

My dad used to call the stroller, the “conveyance.”…”Did you bring the conveyance?” He called his walker this, too, when he became old and needed ambulatory help. He pushed that stroller great distances, I’m sure—conveying his little ones through neighborhoods and zoos and parks. And, just like that, it’s not his children, or his grandchildren, but his great grandchildren who are being conveyed. 

This one has both my sisters! And, once again, Caleb is the ham. =)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Whatever you plan to do with your babies, you’d better get on it. Most importantly, be sure their conveyance to heaven is always a happening thing. Make sure their conveyance easily transfers from the streets of your neighborhood to the streets of gold. And it’s okay if you treasure the memories of the baby years a little more than the people around you. You know the importance of blamelessness.  For you, those baby years are the innocence—the sweet purity before God (not yet lost) that Christ restores (once lost) through Calvary. It’s okay to love the little conveyances that are reminders of those sweet years. 



Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Guest Writer: Hannah Colley, On the Blessing of the Church in Hard Times

Life’s a flurry right now of Polishing the Pulpit prep. ( If you’re reading and you are a regular, I can’t wait to hug your neck. If you are a digger, I can’t wait to wrap up the amazing (amazing, because it’s from Scripture) Comfort study and I’m way excited about kicking off our 2023-24 study from one of those large rooms at PTP on Saturday at 12:30. I mean I cannot wait! I’m working hard on the little things that make the study fun. If you have never been to PTP, remember there are a couple of “free” days when you can come try it on for size. But I can already tell you, it fits. You will never want to miss it again. It’s worth the wait, worth the money, worth the pretty big hassle of getting every child and aged person on board for as much of it as possible!

There are hugs to go around at PTP!

So today, in honor of PTP anticipation, here’s an excerpt from an upcoming lesson by Hannah Colley. It’a lesson about keeping our commitments to Jesus Christ. This part is so deeply in my heart as we finish up 2023 and, as we prayerfully move toward even more blessed times as a family, as a congregation, as a church–as we move toward heaven!

Hannah says this:

When you feel alone, remember Joseph. Remember to hold fast to what you know is true—That God is on his throne and He has a plan for your life, even if you can’t see it.

But also, find comfort in the fact that we as Christians have an incredible advantage that Joseph didn’t have, and that is His church. I mean this when I say that I truly do not know how I would have made it through the past couple of years without the encouragement and support of the Lord’s church. Many of you helped carry me through the darkest days of my life. To outsiders looking in, it is shocking to see how God’s people come together to help people that aren’t even blood relatives. But that’s because the blood of Christ has made us family. We were never meant to survive the trials of this life alone. God gave us this community, this family of disciples, to “bear one another’s burdens”—that’s how we fulfill the law of Christ.

I’m so thankful for those who “fulfill”…incredibly thankful. I cannot wait to see many of you at this grand reunion we call PTP. But, oh!… That other reunion! If you have to miss PTP it’s sad. But, if you have to miss that other reunion, it’s the ultimate eternal tragedy! Let’s help each other get there!