Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

This Present World

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I’ve been studying about Demas. He just started so strong…listed as coworker with Paul and Luke. He was in there. (Philemon 1:24; Colossians 4:14) But by the time Paul was writing that final letter of 2 Timothy, Demas had totally forsaken Paul because he loved this present world (4:10). It’s so sad when people who started out with great zeal and commitment, love the world more than the Lord. The people who had the most influence for good can hurt the cause most severely, injure people profoundly and, in general, do the most harm.

It’s also comforting to know that we are not always responsible for investing in people who will end up hurting the church. Paul was invested in Demas. He boasted of his faith and sent greetings to struggling churches and individuals–letters that included the commendation of Demas. Paul was a Demas-supporter.(Truth is, we have to be invested in some people who will walk away, because we are not readers of the heart. The Lord looks on the heart. We are just commission responders.) Loving the present world, though, enough to walk away from truth, is so very tragic. It deeply hurts innocent people.  It’s why we still hurt for Paul when we read about Demas.

I don’t want to take my eyes off the other world–the one that’s not “this” and “present”. But it is “that” and “future”. I’m staying with Paul’s inspiration, Luke’s words from the Spirit, and the blessing of being a coworker–a partaker–in the sufferings of Christ, if granted that opportunity (2 Corinthians 1:7)

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