Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

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Photo courtesy Rebecca Jenkins Richardson

The Digging Deep podcast is one week away. Next Tuesday at  7 CST  is our very first “Crown” virtual gathering. I hope you’re scheduling so that you can be with us live, but if not, remember it is archived for your convenience. Leigh Rhodes will join me next Tuesday as co-host. Those in the Huntsville area will meet the previous evening at the building of the West Huntsville church of Christ and there will be childcare available if anyone needs help with that. That meeting happens at 6:30.

For today, since my inbox is overflowing with questions and encouraging comments from new folks, I want to give one more quick run-down of where to find things that might be helpful to your study. So, here you go!

  1. The “home-base for the Digging Deep study is here:
  2. The page for prayer requests from this group is here:
  3. The “How to Dig Deep Video” is here:
  4. The Dig-A Bits appear four times each month here: 
  5. Julie Orr’s “Monday Moments”  is here:
  6. The store for ordering all Digging Deep materials/fun things (including the free download) is here:
  7. Archived Dig-a-Bits are here:
  8. Live Video podcast at the end of each month is here:
  9. “Bless Your Heart” blog posts by Cindy Colley are here:
  10. You can follow Cindy Colley here:

Now, also in answer to a FAQ this month, I do not believe Keller, who is the author of one of the recommended reading books this month is “spot on” about the Holy Spirit’s work today. I carefully considered that, I recall, when writing this chapter. I recall, as I was studying his book, though, that, his belief about the Holy Spirit does not affect the truth of the message of the book about shepherds and sheep, IF we understand that the very clear teaching of the New Testament is that the Spirit guides through the written word today. We MUST depend on the Word for any knowledge that we have about the will of God for our lives. 

The above is why the phrase, “…remembering, as you read, that the Holy Spirit guides the sheep through the powerful Word of God” is included at the very end of lesson one when the reading of the book by Keller is suggested. 

Sometimes, I just think a work is worth the read even if we are not in agreement with EVERYTHING the author may say about every topic. 

I hope this helps. 

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