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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Using God

I really want to spend each blog post right now promoting Bible study and especially our new COMFORT study, but just a blurb here is warranted about the way women can be drawn into the lies of the world—lies that are issued in the name of spirituality, even placing God in the middle of the promotion of sin.

One blatant example I noticed this morning is something called “The Blessing between my Legs” conference that was held two weeks ago in Huntsville, Alabama at the Westin Conference Center. I know if you take a look here at the website or its attendant you tube videos, etc…, you will be amazed that any woman seeking God could possibly be drawn into such depths of uncleanness in the name of God-centered religion. (

I hope the event was, as it appears, on the small and inconspicuous side. But, as I looked over this site and watched a youtube video promoting the event, I was reminded of lies with which we may be enticed to a world where sanctification is absent, while God is being “used” as the mouthpiece for promotion. 

1. It is blasphemous to say God gave me a womb to solidify my purpose. God gave me a purpose to engulf and consume all of my gifts, including the womb and its fruit. The purpose is His glorification (Is. 43:7). That order (encompassing purpose, first) is eternally important!

2. When I fail to identify my one true purpose (and first!)—His glorification—I can pretend that I am doing His will in any venue or walk of life. In other words, I can “make” my will be a part of His purpose. I can pretend. That’s pretty blatant in this quote from the website: This conference will literally WAKE UP the WOMAN in you that you have been praying for! Dr. Lady Chappell has pinned the BEAUTY, BABIES, BUSINESS, and BIBLE platform where women from ALL walks of life can connect and truly be EMPOWERED to be the modern day PROVERBS 31 woman! From the strip club to the boardroom, THIS is where The Blessing Between Your Legs LITERALLY gives you LIFE!!!!  

3. Sometimes women can do this in more subtle areas. While this ad is “off the charts”  I may decide I can bring him honor in a lifestyle or relationship that is oppositional to his commandments—a marriage that is not approved by His word, a career that takes my focus from my home and family, or a friendship that provides a constant temptation to seek the kingdom second or third. 

4. It’s important, always and in all ways (areas of life) to remember that the devil is the father of lies (John 8:44) and that I can attach the name of God to any sin that I want to commit and the devil will deceive some people through my duplicity. The devil quoted scripture in the temptation of our Lord, Himself. Jesus was not deceived, but lesser men would have jumped from that pinnacle (Matthew 4:6). The devil is a master manipulator. 

5, We should be careful when we hear someone say, “I’ve been studying and I am now rejecting the old way of viewing this passage. My study has brought me to a new and better place of freedom and clarity and grace.” We should constantly examine the scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:17-18). But just because someone claims to be smarter and more well-studied does not necessarily mean they have arrived at new truth. In fact, often it could be a sign of arrogance and a fall from steadfastness, as per this passage. 

6. It doesn’t take a trip all the way to the strip club to fall to the deceit that comes when we, as His women, forget our purpose!

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.  For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him iin glory.

 Put to death therefore what is earthly in you:sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.  On account of these the wrath of God is coming (Col. 3:1-6).

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