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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

New Group for the Listeners. Check it out…

The busiest women I know these days are listening more than looking. Audio is better than video for them. They’re multi-tasking and, for them, taking mental notes is more the thing in their worlds than is getting out a pad and pen. They’re smart and time savvy. That’s why, in our Digging Deep study, we now have the audio podcast option called “Dig-a Bit.”  

My busy friend Nedra Rodriguez has created a Facebook page for those who love to listen to Bible lessons for ladies. These are primarily presented by ladies, as well, and she’s trying to make the site as user-friendly as possible. I fully believe that the site will be full of sound teaching, since every lesson will be previewed before posting. Nedra is full of the Word and is diligent in the promotion of only those teachings that will help us know God’s Will as revealed through His Holy Spirit in the Bible. 

So here’s the link. Nedra has done us a big service. (That’s just how she is…a sweet servant.) I hope you busy teens, moms and grandmoms will find a moment today to check it out, choose a relevant topic and take a listen!…

Audio Caleb Colley Digger Doug

Digger Doug’s Underground Rocks by Apologetics Press

Songs written and performed by Caleb Colley.

Digger Doug’s Underground Rocks is not for worship/devotional use.

Join Digger Doug and Iguana Don for a rockin’ treat! Digger Doug’s Underground Rocks, a new music CD from Apologetics Press, is a collection of fun songs about science for kids. Twelve original songs featuring the sounds of a full band. Parents will want their kids to learn the principles that underlie the lyrics of each song, because each of the scientific topics relates to the Creation/Evolution controversy.


  1. Theme from Digger Doug’s Underground
  2. Spoken Introduction by Digger Doug and Iguana Don
  3. (More Than) Any Library Book
  4. Biomimicry
  5. Cause and Effect
  6. I Have Never Seen a Dinosaur
  7. My Pet Dinosaur
  8. Play By the Rules
  9. Turn Up the Heat
  10. Entropy All Over Town
  11. People Were the Pioneers
  12. Not Vestigial
  13. This Uniform
  14. You Can’t Get Life

$ 9.95

Go to Product Page

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Shadows of a New Covenant (Digging Deep Clues for October)

First Corinthians 10:11 refers to the things that happened in the Old Testament as examples that have been written for our admonition and learning. The Greek word for “admonition” carries with it the idea of a warning. When we see the miss-steps of the people of God, we should take note and avoid the consequences that result from a lack of faith and from disobedience.

I think Exodus has got to be one of the most practical of all Old Testament books. While not written directly to us, the chronicling of instances of ingratitude, disobedience, lack of trust and idolatry and the record of God’s displeasure at these sins give Exodus much to say to us about everyday living for God. It starts with a little basket floating a slave baby in the Nile and ends with a Pharaoh’s army having perished in the Red Sea. God floats what He wants to float and drowns what He wants to drown. He’s just emphatically in charge.

Exodus also teaches us about the new covenant by giving us types (events, figures or objects that foreshadow something in the future) of important components of redemption and atonement. I looked through the book of Exodus and made a list of terms we can find in the book that should make us think about events in the gospels and references in the epistles. So take time to read Exodus soon and look for these terms. Find their antitypes in the New Testament and keep notes about their significance in redemption’s story or in New Testament service to God. If you are participating In Digging Deep, this is a great starting point for October. (There are thirty-one terms in the list below, so you may even want to study one per day, as you read through the book this month.) If you have extra study time, you may even want to research and find out how each of the ten plagues was a specific affront to one of the false gods of Egypt.

Slaves, slavery
Without blemish
Lamb’s blood
Unleavened bread
Sojourner or pilgrim
Garments washed
Blood of the covenant
Mercy Seat
Blood of the bull
Sin Offering
Pleasing aroma or sweet savor
Holy place
Tablets of stone or stone tablets
Thirst, thirsty or thirsted

And, by the way, if you missed the Digging Deep podcast, you may listen at:

Have a super Monday for Him!