Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

New Group for the Listeners. Check it out…

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The busiest women I know these days are listening more than looking. Audio is better than video for them. They’re multi-tasking and, for them, taking mental notes is more the thing in their worlds than is getting out a pad and pen. They’re smart and time savvy. That’s why, in our Digging Deep study, we now have the audio podcast option called “Dig-a Bit.”  

My busy friend Nedra Rodriguez has created a Facebook page for those who love to listen to Bible lessons for ladies. These are primarily presented by ladies, as well, and she’s trying to make the site as user-friendly as possible. I fully believe that the site will be full of sound teaching, since every lesson will be previewed before posting. Nedra is full of the Word and is diligent in the promotion of only those teachings that will help us know God’s Will as revealed through His Holy Spirit in the Bible. 

So here’s the link. Nedra has done us a big service. (That’s just how she is…a sweet servant.) I hope you busy teens, moms and grandmoms will find a moment today to check it out, choose a relevant topic and take a listen!…

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