Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Seminar for Women – FAQs of Life

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This is the one about which I’m most excited. That’s saying a whole lot, because I love Digging Deep, CTS, PTP and Horizons, But this event is like nothing I’ve ever been involved in before.

This year the West Huntsville ladies have transformed our bi-annual ladies seminar into a weekend of opening up the floor, the tweets, email and facebook inboxes for any Bible related question that any woman in attendance would like to hear discussed. I will be privileged (and mostly challenged) to be answering the questions, to the best of my ability. We have already had some interest in hearing tips about parenting, answers about things like clapping in worship and children’s church, and the discussion of moral issues involving divorce and remarriage. Now, I am surely far from being the Omniscient One on any of these topics, but I have the Word of the Omniscient One and I will be very prayerful as we approach the day. I will also not be hesitant to say “I don’t know,” if I don’t, and then revisit topics later via this blog.

Far outweighing any uncertainty that we have, though, is excitement. We think it’s going to be a faith-building weekend. How can it be a bad thing when we, as God’s women come together with the spiritual issues that are foremost in our minds, examine His Word for the answers and pray together for the faith and courage to implement His Will in the areas that are most challenging?

So save the date. It’s September 13-14, 2013. Come for all or part of the weekend. The schedule follows. I am particularly excited about the “Sweet Hour of Prayer: Answers for Souls” session on Friday night. We will go to God in prayer for those precious souls we are trying to reach with the gospel and we will share strategies that may help in each of our personal evangelism scenarios. I think it will be a rich time. I think we will leave better equipped to reach souls.

Then on Saturday, we will have a full day of addressing the issues that we need most. In a very real sense, those of you who attend will set the agenda. We will have liberal doses of praise and prayer and some sessions of food and fellowship, but we will be primarily all about answers from the Word.

We hope you will plan to come and spend the night in our homes. We are hoping to fill them up! So, for now, we need you to do a couple of things:

  • Register and Plan to Attend. Let us know your lodging needs. Register at
  • Invite your friends to come with you. We would love to have your non-christian friends as well as groups of ladies from your congregation.
  • Send us your questions as you think of them. Tweet questions with the hashtag #FAQsofLife or email (You may also ask them from the floor on the day of the seminar!)
  • Watch this blog for more details. We hope to fill our homes and our new auditorium.
  • Be there! He has all the answers you’ve been needing!

West Huntsville church of Christ at Providence–September 13-14, 2013.


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