Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

On the Sixth Day of Digging Deep…

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On the first day of Digging Deep, this digger got to  see… A new deluxe edition for me…

On the second day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see…two giant swag orders and a new deluxe edition for me. 

On the third day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see …three posted dig-a bits, two giant swag orders and a new deluxe edition for me.

On the fourth day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see …four sample screen-prints, three posted dig-a-bits, two giant swag orders, and a new deluxe edition for me.

On the fifth day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see…Five Golden Crowns!!!!…four sample screen prints, three dig-a-bits, two giant swag orders, and a new deluxe edition for me.

On the sixth day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see…Six sheep-a-grazing…Five Golden Crowns!!!…four sample screen prints, three dig-a-bits, two giant swag orders, and a new deluxe edition for me.

Looking back on the study, I think the sheep and shepherd part at the the beginning of  The Crown was probably the portion with which we may have had the most fun in all the years of Digging Deep. Ladies made magnets and bought sheep socks and found sheep greeting cards and a group of us even went out to talk to a shepherd in Tennessee and watch him call in the sheep. We were amazed at the peril of the cast sheep and we learned the allegories that mirror the tenant shepherd versus the invested shepherd, We  learned to love the Chief Shepherd more than ever before. We had “sheep singings” and we were thankful for the safety of the fold. We grew closer to each other under the protective eyes of the Good Shepherd.



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