Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

New Date for Digging Deep–Israel: May, 2019

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I am over-the-Israeli-moon excited about the Digging Deep Israel trip planned for 2019. Fueling my own personal lifelong yearning to walk where the Master walked has been the initial response of some of you. This trip, Lord willing, is going to happen! Glenn will be speaking several times while we are worshipping together there. We are scheduling some ladies devotional periods and we are trying hard to facilitate a podcast from a spot that will be pretty amazing. John Moore ( will be sharing insights from his knowledge of the geography and Biblical history of the region. It’s all a happening dream-come-true for this little girl from Birmingham who never imagined she could look out on the sea that he calmed with His voice and that gave up the droughts of fishes to Him. It is happening.

But it                                    is not happening in March of 2019. It is going to happen in May of 2019. Wires got crossed by a silly little typo and the initial announced date was a big Colley conflict of speaking  dates. The trip IS being planned, as we speak, for the month of May 2019 and the approximate dates are the 13th-25th. I hope you can make it. As one friend put it, “Even better. The further out, the more money I can save up.”

Speaking of money, I’ll try to have estimated costs to you very soon. For now, just start saving. The trip will be open only to present or past Digging Deep participants and their families for the first few weeks of registration. Following that deadline, we will, pending available space, open it up to other Christians.

So watch for details and the initial registration period.  Pray about this trip. Pray for wisdom for those who are contemplating making the trip. Pray for efficient planning. Most of all, pray that this trip can facilitate deeper study and stronger faith.

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