God of all Comfort is my favorite DD study ever for five reasons:
- The current one is always my favorite because it is what is drawing me closer to Him at the moment.
- Comfort is an increasingly needed commodity at my house as we are struggling though some of the more difficult days of our lives. This is what I need!
- God’s comfort is unparalleled because, not only is he merciful, He is the Father of mercies (2 Corinthians 1:3). He is the One who begets all mercies, countering the devil, who is the Father of lies.
- God’s comfort is one of His gifts that “keeps on giving” through His people. We comfort with the comfort with which we have been comforted of Him!
- The study points me directly to the end goal of heaven, increasing my faith every time I open the book.
I hope you can be patient as you await the arrival of your books. We are hard at work today getting them mailed. (We arrived home from PTP late on Thursday night, to a house full of company, a sickness hitting our shipping department (Glenn) that has zapped his strength, and both of Glenn’s parents very ill and on hospice. We are not forgetting you and hope to get these mailed out very quickly this week! If you do want to get a jump start on the first lesson before you receive your book, a good way to do that would be to read the book of 1 Corinthians and make a list of every problem, in that church, that Paul addressed. Your list would begin with “contention about whose baptism was the ‘best’ (chapter 1) and end with “confusion about the resurrection” in chapter 15. Once you have done this part of chapter one, the rest of it should be a quick finish. As always, we know that diggers are among the best people on Earth and we are always in your debt for patience and kindness in every waiting interim. (Plus this: Glen just came upstairs and said the new label machine we purchased is cutting his shipping time in half! That’s, as he put it “The good news for today!” We needed some!)
PODCAST! The first podcast will be on September 27th at 7 pm CST: https://livestream.com/whcoc/for-women Audio podcasts will appear on the facebook page (and other places) throughout the month. I’ll update with the rest of the podcast dates for 2022 very soon.
Invite! Keep asking friends as you think of them. I’m going to bake some bread for a neighbor and throw a book in there today. You never know. Pray for this study and that it can have wide ripples of influence. Pray that every group/individual can be a conduit for evangelism and service through the study. Finally, plan to finish. If you do, you’ll be richer. But, even if you don’t, you’ll be richer in proportion to your time in the Word. Do what you can!
Official finishers have done all the reading, answered all the questions, listened to all of EITHER the monthly podcasts OR the dig-a-bits and done every practical application. We had a large group this year (around the world) and I know we will have more in 2023. But non-finishers are winners, too. ALL time in the Word is a win!
Finally, praise Him that the study is in the process of being translated into Telagu for study in India! Great things are happening there. Our study is going to a new continent! Now we have it in English, Spanish and Telagu! We thank Emily and Zach Holmes for this exciting prospect. They are busy all the time for souls in India!