Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

PTP…It’s a Wrap! (Really!…a blanket of His Providence…)

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Some of the finishers!


Presentation by Eric Owens

Polishing the Pulpit is finished for 2022. Every year when we are packing our vehicles to return to Huntsville it seems a blur, as if we stepped out of our vehicles and then seven or so days were fast forwarded—compacted into a few hours—and, just like that, it’s over. This is the year we needed it more than ever before. We went there very tired (sick parents, the stress of the struggles that characterize living in this world, the heartaches of the devil’s work about us, workloads that were formidable.) God’s amazing providence in placing us in a family has never been more clear to us. (Some events of His providence are not necessarily evidenced in the moment. Our placement in a large family of His children, rather than going Christianity alone, IS manifest Providence!) The church is, foremost, an unspeakable vehicle for our salvation. It is, secondly and importantly, His blanket of comfort as we travel though the wilderness on the way to the eternal promised land. We were wrapped in that comfort as we experienced PTP 2022. His blanket, for us, was palpable. We are so very thankful to the Father that we get to be a tiny part of this program that is an immunity boost for those who are determined to avoid the infection of sin in our world. Lessons by Hiram Kemp, Eric Owens and Rebekah Colley were among the most strengthening for me this year. I’m so thankful for the thumb drive containing the lessons I did not get to hear! 

Speaking of comfort, I hope you are getting ready to study the topic we need so much in 2022! It’s here and it officially kicks off on September 1st. I hope you can invite others. I am absolutely positive—I can promise— that, if you study along, you will find blessings in whatever it is that’s causing pain, sorrow, confusion and/or dissonance in your world today. You can find your materials here: Remember, there’s a free download of the study at that spot. One highlight of PTP, for me, is the recognition of finishers (the ones who are present) of the previous study. This year we had about 35 women present who had completed every reading assignment, every question, every practical assignment, and every podcast. (Did anyone get an exact count? I need to re-watch.) This is an estimated minimum of 120 hours of digging!  Ladies don’t do this kind of study for recognition. They do it for reconciliation to the God of all Comfort; for the redemption that instructs them to make their calling sure! I’m so thankful for these diggers!

If you want to study along, there’s an introductory video pinned to the top of the facebook page called Digging Deep in God’s Word. You need to join the group and watch that. It is here:  You can also find it here, if you are not on facebook: 

There are lots of women who can help you, if you get stumped along the way, especially if you are in the facebook group. It’s full of helps and questions and tips and tutorials through the year. If you’re an old pro digger and you’ve taken a digging hiatus during the chaotic Covid time, now is the time to jump back in. September 1st is always a great new beginning for spiritual goals and glory!

I’m ready!


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