Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep in Israel–Next Stop: Mount Arbel

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Visiting Mount Arbel includes a look at the ruins of an ancient Jewish Synagogue. There are four Jewish villages on the mountain. But the most spectacular thing about the mountain is not what you see there, but what you see from there. The mountain has a beautiful view of Tiberius and of the Sea of Tiberius (also called the Sea of Galilee), where my Lord carried out the ministry that would change the world and would rescue you and me from Hell. Mount Arbel is one spot that offers a panoramic view of the place of my Lord’s work on earth. 

As my friend, Carla Moore, wrote in her article for Christian Woman magazine entitled He is Still Here:

Standing atop Mount Arbel and viewing the Sea and the surrounding countryside below, where Jesus once walked, lived, loved, laughed, rescued, healed, touched and blessed countless lives, we are awed by His mighty power and humbled by His perfect perspective. “Take heart. It is I. DO not be afraid.” We can still take heart, knowing He is here. 

Just to think about the Lord having formed this mountain peak and then humbling himself to to view it from the very small perspective of one of thousands of men who would look to its pinnacle, stirs my soul. 

In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him (Psalm 95:4). 

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