Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Conclusion of a Dig (and beginning of another)…

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It’s the 31st of October and, among other exciting and sweet things that might be occurring, the end of the October Digging Deep study is happening tonight. God is amazing in his prophetic provisions for his people of old and in his providential preservation of these shadows for those of us who are blessed to have the “real thing” and actually be living in the Biblical last days. Before we move to “Women of the Genesis” for November, let me say that I have been richly blessed by comparing the shadows of the Old Testament with their substance in the New Covenant. For today, may I just list for you some passages for your perusal that, if you should have the time to read through them, will make you appreciate the unity of the scriptures perhaps to a greater degree today than yesterday? It made me so thankful for the obvious inspiration at work in the connecting of the Covenants. It made me thankful for the theme of redemption that so beautifully unfolds between Exodus and Hebrews. It made me extremely grateful that I am blessed to have been born in a millennium that transpired under the New Covenant… the better covenant. And I am glad I was born in an era and area in which the revelation of this covenant of redemption was easily accessible to me. This list of types and anti-types just made me realize some pretty major blessings. Hope it can help you, too.
If you still need the book for the November study, find it at It’s an excellent day to invite a friend to join Digging Deep, since it’s almost like a brand new study we are beginning tomorrow. I’m excited to see your shared nuggets as we study Genesis—this time strictly from digging deeper into the lives of women who, as becomes obvious, struggled with the same issues that trouble us yet today. If there is anyone who wants to do the study and cannot afford the book, be sure and let me know. Have a great week for Him! Get lots of rest tonight, because we only have one sleep between two amazing digs!
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