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Types and Shadows

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Two Lawgivers…One Amazing Plan for My Soul.

My Digging Deep book got something spilled on it. Something from nowhere. Can’t EVEN figure out. Glenn’s checked the car, the table, the counter…to try and clean up whatever it is. (Who even cares about any of those surfaces? This is my DIGGING DEEP BOOK!) I cannot clean up the damage. I have spilled things on my DD book before (every year, basically); it makes the book ripply, and fat. But this spill  TOOK  AWAY my answers…on multiple pages…the notes that have been especially difficult in this schedule-challenged autumn. That spill took away hours and hours of work. I guess I was writing with a water soluble pen, or something. My good boots broke, the guitar I was counting on for Ezra’s costume is not the right instrument, at all (of course not!) I have luggage and clothing all over my bedroom floor from the past three trips and another trip tomorrow, my leggings under this dress are too short for my boots, I was just going to wear this big black ring for a few minutes and now I will wear it till someone cuts it off, and Glenn informed me yesterday that he will not be wearing the costume I made for him to be Ezra’s sidekick…that instead he will be preaching in another state the night of Trunk or Treat (guess I will be Gru), and he has taken the doors off of my almost explosive kitchen pantry for an indefinite period of time, for repairs. And I am not even writing about any of the bigger problems that are on the horizon right now.

Some days are like that. But you and I both know that, with all these first-world problems comes the blessing trail. For every problem you can think up or experience, there’s a much bigger and more lasting blessing. (I still have the Word in many places in my home and heart, Some people don’t have feet, much less boots. I have a husband who WANTS to trunk-or-treat with children and who is able to preach the gospel, etc…etc…) I love the blessing trail!

Today, in this vein, let’s take a minute to compare Moses and Jesus and marvel at the amazing trail of His providence that gives us in 2021, not the image of the deliverer (Moses), but THE deliverer (Jesus). If you are a digger, this is question 13, Month 2. Here are my top ten comparisons.

  1. Both were raised up from among their own people (Deuteronomy 18:15) .
  2. Both were perfect intercessors, having lived with both the enslaved and the royalty (Hebrews 11: 24,25; Phil. 2:5,6).
  3. Both had the words of God in their mouths (Deuteronomy 18:15).
  4. Both lives were threatened by kings when they were babies (Exodus 2, Matthew 2).
  5. Both dealt with lack of faith in their brothers (Exodus 32; John 7:5).
  6. Both provided food miraculously (Exodus 16; John 6).
  7. Both were lawgivers (Deuteronomy 31:24; Galatians 6:2).
  8. Both controlled waters (Mark 7:19; Exodus 14:26, 27) .
  9. Both were shepherds. Jesus still is (Exodus 3, John 10).
  10. Both were leading to a promised land (Deuteronomy 6:3; 2 Peter 3:13).

And, when I think of this amazing encompassing, providential, telescopic power of my God, none of the little messes matter. My God, who sees Sinai and Calvary through the same lens, has got my blood-covered life figured out, too. I praise Him.

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

For the Diggers: Two Important Men

A study that’s made me richer is about to come to a close. One more month and we will kick off Digging Deep 2017-18. If you didn’t hear the podcast yet, please know that, if you are ever going to invite a non Christian to do a study with you, this new one is the one! You just might have a big reason to rejoice for eternity if you do invite someone. Topic  will be announced at PTP on the live podcast from The Wilderness in Sevierville. Study books will once again be available, because you liked this, but study basics will always be free online, as well. We’ll recognize those in the room there, who have completed (all phases and parts of) this year’s study. If you are one of those women, you are glad you did because the Word is so good for all of us. God has simply showered His best on our fellowship and study. I know we can better serve Him after the deep study we’ve done this year. 

The podcast bulged this month and time ran out. Some have requested the list about Paul and Naaman. As I was writing this study, it just occurred to me that there are lots of similarities between Naaman in II Kings five and Paul. While I’m not stretching to say that Naaman typifies Paul, I am saying that, when two important men, even in different dispensations, submit to the command of God to escape certain peril, there are some important lessons that should not be lost on us. 

Here’s the list:

Both were great (important) men. (II Kings 5:1; Acts 9:14,15; Acts 22:3; Acts 22:25-28)

Both were honored by men even prior to obedience. (II Kings 5:1; Acts 9:29)

Both were brave fighters. (II Kings 5:1; Acts 9:29)

Both were unclean. (II Kings 5:1; Acts 22:16)

Both needed the healing. (II Kings 5:3; Acts 9:8,9)

Both carried letters. (II Kings 5:1; Acts 9:2; Acts 22:5)

Both encountered a great prophet. (II Kings 5:9; Acts 9:4; Acts 22: 7,8)

Both were commanded to wash. (II Kings 5:10; Acts 22:16)

Both were cleansed by dipping, plunging or immersion. (II Kings 5:10; Acts 22:16)

Both had to follow the details of the instructions. (II Kings 5:14; Acts 22:10 [all])

Both were converted. (II Kings 5:15; Acts 9: 18-20)

Both realized they were debtors. (II Kings 5:15; Romans 1:14-16)

Both had to get way out of comfort zone. (II Kings 5:12; Acts 22:14)

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: New Digging Deep Study!

In The Shadows Digging Deep BannerOne of my favorite moments of every year is the session at Polishing the Pulpit ( when we unveil the new Digging Deep study. This year was the best yet. We had approximately 30 women onstage yesterday who had done every last bit of the Persecution study. That’s representative of about 5000-6000 hours of collective study on that stage. Many women finished the study this year, but were unable to be with us. Many more were all but done and are still finishing up. Hundreds did a portion of the study. Every hour spent in the word is an investment in a sphere where we will not run short on time. What happened today at 12:45 in Ballroom A was just a little icing on the cake for women whose real reward for Bible study is wisdom for life’s tough challenges and decisions. I am very proud to call those who are diligently digging in the Word my sisters and friends.

The new study is called “In the Shadows”. It’s a rich comparison of the shadows of the Old Law and the real images of the New. The key verse is Colossians 2:17:

These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.

The goal of the new study is to grasp the significance of the elements of Old Testament worship, sanctification, law, and service in the context of their foreshadowing elements of redemption in the New Covenant—all of this to make us feel the depth of gratitude appropriate for people washed in the blood of the great Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ. I need this study. I am thankful He has given us another year —at least the beginning of one—to dig deep in His Word. I am thankful for my sisters who are serious about Bible study. There is not enough time in any of our lives to finish the dig. The deeper we dig, the more knowledge is both gained and yet available.

So please join us for the study. Please share the study. Invite friends, both faithful and unfaithful…both in the covenant and in need of learning of it. I know it will be a blessing; not because I am presenting it, but because it is purely the Word of God.

You can find a free copy of the study for downloading as well as, alternately, a deluxe study notebook for purchase in the Digging Deep section of the store on There are cute tumblers and Digging Deep t-shirts there, too. These are fun parts of the fellowship, but all you really need is the study. You can follow the group of Diggers on the Facebook page called “Digging Deep In God’s Word” where you will also find information about the monthly podcast.

You have just eight more days before the study officially begins. So get your shovels. Invite your friends and let’s help ourselves to the faith that comes from the Word (Romans 10:17)!