Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Young Diggers!

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I was excited to meet a few teen homeschoolers at Polishing the Pulpit who are going to do the “Shadows” study as part of their curriculum for the 2016-17 school year. But last night I was blessed to worship with the Lightwood church near Montgomery, Alabama and I had a photo-op with the youngest Digger I’ve met to date. She is Sara Beth Tucker and she’s 10 years old. I’d already noticed how she was popping out those answers to the Bible knoDwledge questions during the Lightwood version of Kidsing ( But I was really encouraged when one of the elders’ wives told me she is always extremely faithful and participatory in their Sunday afternoon ladies class.  Way to go, Sara  Beth! I just know that one day, I’ll get to go and hear you teaching women about the Word of God. Most of all, I can’t wait to see the kind of mother you will be. Children who have godly mothers are the richest children in the world!

Of course, it’s you, the Titus 2 older  in a congregation that mold the next generation of faithful woman. Here’s Sara Beth’s mentor group at Lightwood. So proud of this Digging Deep group! (I’d love photos of your group…or even of individuals who are studying along.)



I know it’s not about me, but this old digger is off to a slow start. I’m in that wonderful grandmother vortex that keeps my mind young but reminds me that my body is 57. The hours are long and the naps are short. As I type, I have a two-year-old beside me watching a little video about an owl cuckoo clock. Those are his favorite at the moment, and “cuckoo” is an appropriate soundtrack for our lives right now! Colleyanna has her days and nights a bit mixed up. She’s five days out of the womb now, so we’re hoping she’ll coordinate with daylight and dark soon. She’s precious even when she’s wide awake and very vocal at 2 am! 

If you have an outstanding order with the Colley House, it’s because we’re waiting on your t-shirt. I’m turning those orders around as fast as I can, with the help of one more patient husband, and you should have your order in a few days. The holiday weekend was one more small delay, but I’m hoping to get the final order processed today. Hopefully, in a few days, I’ll be keeping up a little better with the study and we can use this blog frequently to comment about the “shadows”. I’m thankful for your patience and especially for those of you who are in the Word.


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