Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Think Thankfulness. Think Souls.

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While I’m certainly always on the bargain bandwagon, it does make me a little sad that many people I know are all about “two more days till Black Friday” instead of how much we have for which to be thankful. I get it, though.  It’s an American business phenomenon that’s even become part of a bigger holiday family tradition for lots of turkey-stuffed families and I can’t unduly criticize that kind of frugal fun; especially if the frugal fun includes a shopping list for those who find themselves suddenly without work, without shopping funds, without family members or without health this holiday season.  I know plenty of Christians who are constantly on the ready to help in these situations at holiday time and at all times of every year. I stand amazed at the family of God in times of crisis and hopelessness and I’m blessed by witnessing service by the second, third and fourth-mile-servants among us. 

I hope you have someone for whom you plan to do something out of the ordinary this holiday season. I hope each avenue of giving  to which you’ve committed has a soul (or more) as the bottom line; at least indirectly, if not directly.  For some of you, it’s a family member who needs lots of extra time and attention this year…someone who is just trying to make it till heaven is home. For some, it’s a teaching school or organization that ministers to souls and stands in need of funding to complete a mission.  For some, it’s a co-worker who has just found out her position is part of a downsizing elimination. You know that she may be open to the gospel at a time of her realization of dependence on God.  For some, it’s a child who is part of a school holiday meals program. All of those young souls are innocent and need to be reached. Sometimes filling hungry stomachs in our communities can put the name of the Lord’s church in places where that kind of recognition opens evangelistic doors.  For others, it may be a hard-working student in need of tuition funding to complete a degree in preaching or ministry. 

If you don’t have a plan yet, I hope you’ll remember the godly family who’s trying to adopt the five little embryos that have currently been saved in the freezer. This particular work is a pretty direct line to evangelism. While I did not identify them (and I will not, for the security of the children), I know them and I know that their provisions for these children (all of whom may live to birth and beyond) will be everything that godly parents can provide and I know that spiritual provision for eternity will be the most important focus of their parenting. Further, I’m certain they are only needing and allowing me to ask for a small portion of the cost of embryo adoption and implantation, most of which has been donated by a few other Christian families or they have worked to save themselves. They are hard workers, both in their profession and in their congregation of the Lord’s church. Children who grow up in their home will be blessed.  You can read about them here:

And if you can help, any small amount is a bit of sacrifice to God’s work in little souls that you can feel good about—confident in the impending lifetime work of getting them to God’s throne. The small  “two talents”  you’re able to give just may turn into four (or more) if invested here.  At least you will know you invested instead of burying (Mt. 25:14-30)! 

Happy Thanksgiving and happy shopping, too. 

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