Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

TCH Contest–The Merry’s in the Music!

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This year, for The Colley House holiday contest, we’re doing Merry Music. Send us your funniest or most sentimental Christmas story. The one “rule” is that your story has to somehow have a musical tie-in or “twist”. If I were entering, I’d tell about the young caroler who  belted out “Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa- Fa-Fa-Fa” at every stop each year when we caroled together as kids; or about my tiny niece, whose favorite song on the radio during the holidays was “Police Nonny-nah” (Feliz Navidad); or the sweetest story this year about a dear friend who went in search of a particular collectible caroler for my husband, who loves to repair antique clocks. This caroler is wonderful, holding three clocks as he sings. We were touched when she gave it to us last night, explaining that, when he arrived, he was holding only two of the three clocks. So our sweet friend called the company, explaining that her favorite clock was missing from our specimen, got a refund, and kept searching till she found the perfect caroler that’s now standing on our little desk in the living room. Isn’t he funny?…and precious?!

Or I might write about the wonderfully magical musicals that the kids and I did at the community theater each season, and the havoc we endured one day when the lead got stopped, en route to the theater, and carted to jail for speeding and driving without a license. Someone (Kelly!), who had never rehearsed it one time (but was an amazingly talented and funny actress), had to step into the lead role for a group of 300 school children. It was the favorite school performance of the run!

Or maybe I’d describe how our family sings and “performs” the twelve days of Christmas with our little ones each day leading up to Christmas. I would have to send a funny video with this entry…of a two year old trying to be a milk maid or be a French hen sitting on eggs. 

You get the drift. Deadline for entries is December 18th at noon. Email entries to 

The winner will get the Colley Musical Package (valued at $73.65): 

You’re Singing My Song—a book about godly marriage:

Your Mama Don’t Dance—a book about serious Biblical parenting:

A set of Hannah’s Hundred CDs—each contains a hundred Bible verses in song. (Three will be your choice of digital or CD. The #3 edition is only available digitally.)

Digger Doug Rocks CD—a rockin’ way to teach your kids concepts of creationism:

We will mail this prize package out in time for gift-giving!

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