Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: Finishing February

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10422956_10153120542101322_775683428250343547_n-1As I type this, I’m traveling back from an encouraging seminar in Angels Camp, California. I’m trying to decide what the most encouraging thing about it was and I believe that, hands down, it was the travelers. There were people who traveled to this sleepy little town that boomed way back in the gold mining days and rented a room in the local hotel for three nights so that they could attend all of the seminar. I asked them if they were taking the time to do some fun things while there. One sweet sister answered me; “Well yes. Every night at 6:30 we are taking the time to go and be with the family of God and hear the Word.” I loved that answer! There were visitors who traveled eight hours (four coming and four going) in one day to be at the meeting. This is just something we do not see in Alabama and it makes me want to be better. Many thanks to our brethren in that beautiful part of the country (a part that has some big trees, by the way….That’s me, sitting on a root…) for letting California lights shine for Him!

It’s just a few hours till it’s March! That means several things. One is that our brand new Digging Deep study begins. I am excited about this study of the prayers of two great prophets. I hope you are on it. It will be a good study.

February brought many disturbing things to my inboxes. I’m sad to say that, despite many efforts of good people, homosexual marriages were performed in Alabama for the first time. I hope you are joining me in vigilant prayer for the attorneys in our state who are continuing to fight the sinful homosexual agenda. I have hopes that we might still be able to preserve marriage, as God defines it, in our great state.

February also brought several messages to my inbox that thrilled my soul…like news of the sweet little widow’s Valentine luncheon hosted by five-year-old Genesis Hanna on Grand Bahama. It makes me happy that the Mama’s K.I.S.S. service ideas for kids are benefitting children and widows outside the United States as well as here at home. Here are some pictures:IMG_4166[1] IMG_4176[1] IMG_4185[1]










And then there is this sweet little two year old who is singing Proverbs 28:1 from Hannah’s Hundred. If you can’t tell, the words coming from this back seat are: “The wicked flee when no man pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” It doesn’t take a lot to put the word into the heart a two-year-old; just a mom or dad who can pop a cd into the player beside the crib or in the mini-van. Here you go!

I’m glad for all the good news, but I’m a little glad February’s behind us, too. That time Glenn had to speak 9 times in one weekend and woke up with the wicked stomach flu in a hotel room on Valentines Day in the Smokies was not romantic. And finding my father on the floor after the room started spinning for him and he fell off the bed during his second bout with that virus this winter was even more scary. I hope you’ve escaped it or, if you’ve done battle, too, that you are back on your game and that it’s a meek March for you. The month, at least in Alabama, is coming in a bit like a lamb, though. It could be that the lion is still coming again, weather-wise! I say, keep your sweaters out. If you are reading in Honolulu or the Bahamas or South Florida or Southern California, remember love is not boastful!

Happy March!

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