The most challenging part of the Digging Deep study for 2013-14 is coming up soon. May 1st begins our study of the Spirit. While I’m sure we won’t know all the answers at the end of the summer, I’m pretty sure we’ll all pack up and leave with more than we brought into the study.
A benchmark book, “The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption” by Franklin Camp has provided many insights for the study. While it is unnecessary to the Digging Deep study, I do want to make it available to those of you who would like to have it. In my judgement, It’s the best book I’ve studied on the subject. I know I perhaps have a bias, because I grew up under the preaching of Brother Camp, along with the excellent preaching of Bob Duncan. Brother Camp was one of the most personable, humble, REAL men I have ever known. He was also THE man who was in the Word more than any I’ve ever personally known. It’s no wonder he knew so much of the Spirit. He was full of His teachings.
I do believe there are areas of judgment about which faithful men and women can disagree when we study the Holy Spirit. There are some things we can know for sure, through the Word. I hope the study will be beneficial in helping us differentiate the areas of truth and the areas of opinion. I hope you can get excited about a study that will explore one of the subjects of Christianity about which the religious world, in general, is most confused. I, for one, can’t wait.
We’ll be answering questions like:
- Have miraculous gifts ceased?
- Are miracles occurring today?
- What is/was the purpose of the miraculous?
- Is the Bible inspired in its ideas or also in its wording?
- What was the Spirit doing during Old Testament times?
- Do we have the Spirit individually today and, if so, how?
- How does the Spirit speak today?
- What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
If you want the book, it’s available at The Colley House. The price is $19.95. If you’re in a group placing an order of five or more copies, they are $16.00 each. Here’s the link!