Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Tomorrow’s Church, Today

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1394034107The teens in our congregation are extremely worldly.” …

The kids in our homeschool group are so much more spiritual than those in our church.” …

It hurts when people make fun of you for doing the right thing, but it is so much more hurtful when it’s the kids in your youth group.”

I know. I hear these statements over and over again as I travel about and speak to moms and teen girls. I know there’s worldliness in our youth groups. I know there’s texting going on during worship services. I know there are sleepy kids on the Lord’s Day because the devil had the night before. I know that persecution is sometimes sitting on the same pew with perseverance. I know.

But the good news is that there are hundreds of our young people who’ve not “bowed the knee to Baal,” (Romans 11:4). I know.

I know Terrin, who recently read a tract about the works of the flesh in Galatians 5 and then went home and told her mom she was done with dancing–no more prom, no more homecoming dances– no more. And she meant it.

I know. I know Kaylee, who plays volleyball on a public high school team in knee-length shorts.

I know. I know Hannah, who gave up a part in the play because she was unwilling to be onstage during a single worship service of the Lord’s church.

I know. I know Jack, who walked across the auditiorium to meet a young man he’d never seen before–a visitor–and invite him to come up and sit with the youth group.

I know. I know Andrew, who went home alone on Sunday night after worship because his youth group was going to see a movie that contained language that was inappropriate for Christian consumption.

I know. I know Camron, who, finding out that the man who sat near him each Sunday was not a Christian, asked him to study the Bible and, later, baptized him into Christ. I know.

And I know Daniel Webster and Samuel Thrasher. Daniel’s just a regular thirteen year old, who likes to play ball and board games and sometimes just likes to veg-out on the couch and look at facebook. He’s also kind of a prankster. Samuel is eighteen. He likes theater, public speaking and hanging out in fun places with Christians. He plans to go to Freed Hardeman University in the fall. Together, they’ve made time to jump start an incredible website for all of the Terrins and Kaylees and Hannahs and Jacks and Andrews and Camrons–all the kids who really are trying to seek Him first, make good choices for His glory and lead others to Him. It’s called Tomorrow’s Church, Today. There you will find articles by Daniel about prayer, by Song Nicholas about evangelism, by Kayla Barker about gossip, by Samuel about God’s majesty, and so many more. You’ll find upcoming youth activities around our nation, complete with details and maps. You’ll find a question and answer section and a prayer area. Best of all, if you’re a teen with holiness in your heart, you will find a great youth group–a group of Christian teens who are just like you–determined to be a light in a dark world. Suddenly the light will seem brighter and your support group, while it still may not always be on the pew with you, will always be a click away.

So are you one of the hundreds who’ve refused to bow the knee? You’re going to love this site. You’re going to find people who think like you do and places to be with kids who will encourage you. You’re going to like this page–on facebook, and in your heart. You’re going to be stronger just knowing there are others–lots of others–who are praying to the same Father for the same help through their days, as you are. You’re going to find ways to help people around you to be more Christlike. Who knows? Those kids on your pew may be open to reading from this site, too. Share it! There’s potential on your pew for tomorrow’s church!

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