Two hours at the gym on Tuesday and Friday,
The neighborhood walk with the weights;
A multi-vitamin every night before bed
And watching what goes on our plates;
Small servings, less carbs, more peelings, less fat,
Raw veggies and more fresh picked greens;
More herbs in my garden and more in my tea,
More fiber and balanced proteins.
More time and more slope on my treadmill today;
No elevator…I’ll take the stairs.
A much higher number on my pedometer today
And much less time spent in my chair.
Green teas and garlic to keep my heart pumping,
My friend Echinacea on the shelf;
Eight hours of sleep and lots of hydration
I’m just taking care of myself.
I’ll feel better, live longer, if I just stay in shape.
I’ll be happier if I keep my heart fit.
But, still, when this life’s workout finally is done,
My heart rate will slow and then quit.
So what of the heart that must all be for Christ…
The one That will go on and on;
The soul that, if tended, will never run down
But will finish one day at his throne?
Am I keeping it fit? Is it exercised daily?
Am I devoted to its fitness training?
When this routine is over, what then? Is there more?
Is there something of me that’s remaining?
Am I feeding my spirit a well balanced diet,
Ingesting the milk of His Word?
Do I see the Great Physician when my soul becomes weak.
Or when some injury’s been incurred?
Are there rituals of exercise; things I must do
For the heart that will never stop beating?
Do I keep its rate up? Do I measure its pulse,
Taking care to supply what it’s needing?
There’s a fountain of life; living waters in streams.
Am I drinking from these every day?
Do I hunger and thirst for my Lord’s righteousness?
And what price am I willing to pay?
For there’s sweat in the workout. There’s toil in the run.
It takes a real will in this gym.
But the yoke is still easy, the burden is light
When I am in training with Him.
His payoff is heaven. His finish is grand;
A victorious soul’s celebration.
The training complete, I’ll sit at His feet,
For he made my soul fit for salvation!