Here it is. The Colley House has a tradition of a few give-aways during the holidays. This year we’re excited about our Digging Deep travel mugs. We’ll fill one with Christmas candy and send it your way if you are one of five winners. They’ll go good under your tree, especially if someone you love is one of the hundreds of women who are actively participating in the Digging Deep study.
Here’s all you need to do. Email me your favorite family holiday photo…funny, memorable, nostalgic or just sweetness along with your 50-word-or-less explanation of why you love the photo. We’ll share favorites with our readers and choose five winners. Email the photos to Be sure to include your name and address and have them to me by December 14th, so I’ll have plenty of time to get the mugs out to you by Christmas! You can enter as many times as you want, but send each entry in a separate email.
Here are some of our family favorites. I know you have them, too!
So go! Happy memory hunting! And if you need to purchase a mug for your favorite Digger, go here:!/Digging-Deep-Travel-Tumbler-Mug/p/54019059/category=7007069
And one more thing…Keep those family holiday traditions going strong. They’re tough fibers in the weave we call “family”.