Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep?… Yes and No (Including More T-shirts!)

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Will there be one more chance to order Digging Deep T-Shirts?

Yes. If you go to and order before the end of THIS week, we will go to the T-shirt company ONE more time and place an order. This order, an order due to popular demand, will be the last one for this go-‘round of Digging Deep. So, thanks for loving these Comfort Colors shirts! Go buy now or forever hold your peace. 

2. Will there be an audio podcast? Yes. We are giving it a go. Keep reading this blog for details. Very soon.

3. Will the audio podcast be additional material? Yes. It will be additional material. It will not be the same as the video podcast. 

4. Will the audio podcast be a required part of the study? No. One may choose between the audio podcast and the video podcast for completing study requirements, but you must do one or the other. Those who complete both will have the most thorough podcast exposure to the study, obviously. 

5. If I come to the seminar at West Huntsville (, will there be materials for Digging Deep there? Yes. Until we run out, they will be there. If you are thinking of getting workbooks, we will be getting a few more of those in, so order soon. There’s been a run on those, too. We are excited, humbled and challenged to make this study faith-building…all of this by your interest in the Word.

6. Have I missed any podcasts? No. The first video podcast is scheduled to air on September 19th at 7 pm CST. 

7. Is it too late to start the study? No. Absolutely not. You can easily be caught up in plenty of time for the month of September. 

8. Will there be a recap and awards session at PTP in 2018 for those who can attend? Yes. 

9. Will I get my books soon? Yes. Please wait 8 business days before contacting us as the low shipping rate allows us to send only by media mail. But if you do not receive them by then, please do send an email or a Facebook message to me or Glenn. We want to do this right , but it’s turned into a monumental task. (YAY!) There are bound to be some hiccups, so thanks very much for your patience.  

10. Is this an all-or-nothing study? No. If you cannot complete all of every month, do what you can. It’s not a contest. It’s a faith tool. Whatever you do will help you grow. Don’t fail to do some because you re afraid you cannot do all!

I’m praying for every aspect of the study. I want it to be all for the glory of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I want it to be for blessings of strength in our families and churches. I want it to be all it can be…for heaven!

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