Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep: Start Inviting

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Kick-off for Digging Deep 2024-25 is just six weeks away. Topic reveal from PTP-Sevierville is just a month out. I hope you are inviting your friends. The WORD will change their lives, especially those who may be outside of Christ. Last week, I was at PTP-Branson and was immersed in encouragement because of the power of the WORD in lives: 

A cancer survivor who found the Comfort study just as she was diagnosed. She kept saying “It got me through.” 

A group of diggers that has planted three more groups of diggers in surrounding towns. 

A group of diggers which has become a respite for a mother who is grieving mightily the death of her daughter. 

A woman in her eighties who was invited to study by a woman in her thirties and this eighty-year-old has, thus,  become an extra grandmother to four babies under four years old, as the younger of the two (and her good husband) is doing a phenomenal job rescuing a group of embryos for life and then, heaven! 

A bunch of women from bunches of places who came to investigate and begin studying. This is always the best. You don’t know what you are missing till you get in the WORD!

A mama who just emptied her nest and, who simultaneously cared for her mother as she passed on to glory. She is really grieving (I can so relate to that. I was not a happy empty-nester, while losing parents.), but she is trusting the WORD, studying along, and evangelizing. She is finding His blessings still. 

Spanish translators, Marlon and Jacky Retana, who are chomping at the bits to get the new study translated for Spanish speaking sisters. Their work is here, if you would like to see what they do:

I’m just saying: Cindy Colley does not ever change lives. Digging Deep does not necessarily change lives. The friendships and closeness of the groups do not always change lives. The fun we have with t-shirts and mugs and tea towels does not change lives. But the WORD changes lives! I’m just telling you, you will never get to the bottom of the knowledge and every single bit of it will be relevant-to-the-max to whatever it is you are going through. The WORD never fails. It IS the lamp to our feet and the light for our lifetime’s pathways (Psalm 119:105).

SO be the conduit for positive, eternal change. Ask a friend to dig in the WORD with you. New study starts September 1st. I’m already there in my heart!

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