Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: Digging Deep All Over The Place!

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Happy Thursday! I promised you a word from those women who are gathering in fellowship groups while completing the Digging Deep Study. Blessed to tell you these are SOME of the responses. It was just a wonderfully maddening exercise to try and put them all together from my facebook, email, and the DD group wall and other walls of various groups. It’s a great kind of chaos. Keep meeting, keep studying and feel free to leave comments only on this one post only if we have omitted you! I’m looking forward to knowing Him better this year! So thankful for every soul in the study. It just has to be a good thing.

From Julie Orr in Fordland , MO:
We absolutely LOVE the Digging Deep Study at Fordland, MO. This is our 2nd year doing it as a group. This year, we are meeting on Wednesday evening during Bible Study. Last night was our first night and it was SO encouraging to see so many ladies participate that weren’t able to last year since we met once a month during the daytime. They couldn’t come to do other obligations or just couldn’t afford to make an extra trip to the building. One sweet sister came up to me after class last night and said, “Oh Julie, thank you so much for asking the elders if we could do this on Wednesday nights. I’m so excited to be able to join you now!” I heard similar statements from a couple other sisters. We have around 30 ladies that are digging deep (and perhaps more that are doing it on their own that I’m unaware of)! We also have a private FB Group called “Fordland church of Christ Ladies Digging Deep into God’s Word”. We post discussion questions there and use it to share prayer requests with one another. I truly believe we have grown together as sisters and have a much deeper bond because of the Digging Deep studies. I know the studies have blessed me tremendously. I thank you for your efforts in putting the study together. It’s fantastic! …and then a P.S.: SO EXCITED! Our elders gave us permission to have a Ladies Bible Class during our Wednesday evening Bible Study to go through the “Knowing God” study together! Last year, we did the Sanctification study during our Monthly Ladies Class, but there were lots of ladies who couldn’t meet during the day or who couldn’t make an extra trip to the building. So now, we’ll be able to have many more of the ladies participate! We start this Wednesday!

From Carol Maddox in Redmond, OR:
Cindy we are having a kick off meeting tonight here in Redmond Oregon. We hope to have both day and night time groups. Even those who can’t come tonight will be given an outline and encouraged to join a group. This will also be an opportunity to tell them about the podcast and face book page. Love…

From Ruth Soli in Honolulu, HI:
ALOHA Sisters!!! I know we have been so caught up with our busy schedules (me for the most part..hehe) we didn’t get a chance to meet and discuss 1 Peter. But I believe we were doing our individual study, and I gotta say, it was just wonderful. I still didn’t get a chance to send out a letter or a card, but it’s definitely on my “Things-to-do List”. If you haven’t gotten a chance to look up the study for this month, I highly encourage you sisters to do so. I want to copy and paste the link of the study from the “Digging Deep Group” or from Cindy’s blog, but my not-so-high-tech of a phone won’t permit me to. But I will post it up as soon I have access to a computer. Now that I’m free almost every Saturday, let me know when it will be good for you ladies to meet. So get your swords out, dig-in, dig-deep, and get to KNOW God! Have a blessed week sisters!

From Cathy Pearson in Warren, PA:
The ladies in our congregation in Warren, PA are doing this year’s Digging Deep study. This is our first year to do this. We are very small at this time (about 8 ladies) but excited! Thank you for all the help and encouragement. God bless you, Cathy From Margaret Mills in Eatonton, GA:
The Eatonton congregation in Eatonton, GA is starting tonight! We are going to meet every Thursday night. We can’t do the pod cast because our church can’t afford Internet. We are working with our library to see if there is a way we could watch it there, but don’t have an answer yet. So far all six of the ladies in our congregation are participating.
and…Just heard from the library. They are going to charge is $50 to watch each pod cast, so looks like for now we will just be studying the material. maybe we can figure out a way to watch the podcasts later.

From the Sunrise church in Parkersburg, WV:
Last year the ladies in my congregation did the Sanctification study at home on the podcast. There was only about 5 of us who did it. This year we are going to meet at the church building on the Thursday Before the podcast to go over that month’s study. For september, the men are going to go to visiting shut ins and sick or the unfaithful while I lead the study for the women. We are the Sunrise church of Christ in Parkersburg WV.

From Farmersville, TX:
We have a group of ladies beginning the new study this month here at Farmersville, TX. We will be meeting once a month at the end of every month. Not sure if we will be doing the podcasts together. This is our second year of doing the Digging Deep study….we did the first one together but not the last one. We are very excited about this study…although not for certain how many will be able to attend the class. Almost 30 flyers for the class were taken. The first year we had about a dozen every time we met. Anxious to see how many will be involved in this one. We also specifically opened this class up to any and all women they would care to invite.

From Lori Holland in Saraland, AL:
Just wanted to let you know that the ladies at Central Church of Christ in Saraland, AL have a Digging Deeper study group. We just started this week and are so excited about doing it together. We plan on having a party for the night of the podcast so we can watch it together. Thank you so much for the work you are doing for The Lord. The race is always easier when we have good sisters to run with!

From Shirley Holloway (somewhere in TN):
We are double digging! We are starting this month at church for first time. I was so excited to see we can watch on roku box. This means we may have to meet at my house every month, but that’s great! We are also starting this month in my homeschool group. Some of the group also go to church with me, but several go to other congregations that are not doing the study. We also have a couple homeschool group members that are not members of the church. We are hoping they will dig with us! We’ve asked to do Bible studies, but they keep putting us off. When I got home from PTP, I decided I would post some Bible markings in our homeschool group forum. I started with Prayer. I’m going to do True Peace, then I’m doing the Plan of Salvation one. I’m praying they will study them at home & not feel intimidated like they might on a one on one Bible study. Hopefully that & the digging deep will have an impact on them. That’s what we are praying for! Thank you!

From Ashlee Watt, Queensland, Australia:
I just finished watching the video from this year’s PTP session launching the new Digging Deep study. I’m excited to be joining in this time, along with some sisters in my own congregation. We already hold a ladies class one evening a month (although only a few ladies attend as others go weekly to a daytime class but the evening one is good for those of us who work). So we will be using that meeting on the first Thursday night of the month (starting tonight – although I’m out of town!) to discuss our previous month of the Digging Deep study (tonight will be an intro). I’m pretty excited about this Michelle Herd is in that group – she will be presenting to tonight. Just to give you a slight picture of who knows who on this big, international page of sisters!

From ??:
I just wanted to check with you about starting a digging deeper group on Facebook for the ladies in our congregation. Would it be okay to name it the name of our Congregation followed by digging deeper in Gods word? I just wanted to double check with you. We will be following the study guide you put out. …and from me: yes…several churches are doing that!

From Jeana O’Donnell, Foxton, New Zealand:
Hello sisters. i am wanting to suggest this for our ladies class in new Zealand and was wondering if you can watch the podcast after it had aired? thanks

From Carthage, TN:
The monthly ladies bible class in Carthage, TN is looking forward to the new study! We began meeting last year and are completing the sanctification study this month. Thanks to all of you for so many encouraging posts!

From Rebecca Richardson, Wetumpka, AL:
Our ladies have decided to do the Digging Deep study and meet twice a month to discuss what we’ve learned. So excited. It’s been several years since they’ve had a ladies’ class. Also, this will make me stay on track since I will be facilitating the discussion. We are starting next month so we will be a month behind.

From Renita Archey, Cleveland, TN
I am truly looking forward to the study this year. Last year it really made a difference in my life (Just like good Bible study should)…but it kept a constant focus right in front of me of one very strong topic. Have a great day.

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From Denise Skelton (also Cleveland, TN):
We meet once a month after the podcast that way we have time to listen to that too. We usually just go through our notes & bring up anything we wanted to discuss. another group I know of has a different lady “teaching” each month.

From Julie Shafar, Morrill, Kansas:
…this year we are going to meet twice a month. One week we will watch the podcast together, since many of our member’s don’t do computers;) Then a couple weeks later we will meet and discuss where we are in the study and help each other to keep up.

from Kim DuPree (somewhere in Texas?)
considering this is our first study (a small group of us from our church) we are planning to meet toward the end of each month to discuss our findings and thoughts. We will see how it goes for September and if necessary or if the ladies feel like we need to, we may try to do two times a month to help everyone stay on track.

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