That’s right. Gospel Broadcasting Network has a great app for your device and it now features a “Ladies Only” tab which highlights our study…Digging Deep! It’s easy to use. It’s growing (and DD is even pretty in pink…or maybe it’s mauve.) Everything’s not up yet, but Jen is working hard to get more and more of the material app-ready and the best part is, all back-studies are there already and all podcasts for the current study are there, too…in one easy-to-find place.
Here’s the low-down (or, literally the download). Go to your app store and download the GBN app. It’s free and only takes a few seconds. At the top of the home screen, tap on “Ladies Only”. Then you can’t miss the various sections of our study. The tabs look like this:
Finally, tell everyone you know. Spread the word. I would love for every single person who’s studying along to have access to the many materials from the good folks at GBN. My husband is privileged to serve on the board of directors for GBN and I can attest to the soundness and practicality of the content. Take a listen to the fresh, new podcast called “The Authentic Christian” for starters or watch the conversion story of my friend Will Tucker in the GBN original movie “A Little Cup of Wisdom.”
If you like the app, log on to the GBN facebook page ( and send them a message to let them know. Be sure to let them know you are a study participant. The more you talk, the more folks the app will ultimately reach. Many souls around the world have been led to Christ by the network which is now largely evangelizing via internet. We’re blessed to get to be a little part of that massive evangelism. Digging Deep is honored to have been invited to be a little part of this great work. (And I feel little bit more official already, now that DD is featured on a real app!)