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Christmas Bundle

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

It’s Christmas Contest Time!

The Colley House Christmas Contest is now! With a nod to the new HOPE series for families and congregations, we want to include children in the contest this year. You can win the entire HOPE set for Bible learning. There are two simple ways to enter. (Just pick one option and go with it! Here’s how:

1. Post a short video of your kids using the HOPE set in your family Bible time or in your kids’ class at church. We’d love to see how they are learning! Post to The Colley House Facebook page.


2. Send an email to describing your best and most effective Family Bible Time tip. This can be a “keeping kids’ attention” tip or an original song or an idea for a game. It can really be anything you have found effective in getting truth in kids. Feel free to include a photo, but it’s not required. 

All entries must be posted or submitted by December 5th at 11:00 pm. CST. 

The winning entry will receive the entire 5 item HOPE set just in time for gift-giving! You can see that here:!/That-We-May-Have-Hope-5-Product-Bundle/p/605880179/category=0.

That bundle is a $60.00 value (but it’s really invaluable)! 

Have fun with this! (We have the most creative followers in the world!) 1…2…3…Go!



(photo credit:<a href= target=”_blank”>Christmas Gift PNG Free Download</a>)

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Clean Your Plate!

December 15th is the deadline to enter the holiday contest! Rules are here: It’s easy to enter and the winner receives a $50.00 bundle of choice from The Colley House. Merchandise will arrive before Christmas. SO hurry and enter. It’ll only take a few minutes!

The Christmas Shepherd’s Special ends on the 24th of December, so get five gifts in one! Order now and your gifts will arrive in time for holiday giving. That special is here:!/Christmas-Shepherds-Special/p/123864997/category=0 I’m a little biased, but I think Glenn’s work on church leadership is exceptional and much needed in the body today. We’ve loved sending these out to many spots in the country. We pray they will do much good.


Finally, let me report that Glenn and I are eating well this holiday season. Our waitress at the restaurant tonight said, as she collected our empty plates, “Look at those happy plates. You all did a good job. I’m very proud of you.”  She was at work waiting tables, but in her heart, she was still at home with her kids. And she made us laugh. Happy Holidays. Clean your plate!


Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Christmas Shepherd’s Special…Save 40% for a limited time!

Shepherds. The Colley House Christmas Special this year is for your elders. Have they blessed your life this year? Have you ever taken the time to communicate thankfulness to those men of God? These five items are perfect, not only for saying “thank-you”, but also for helping them grow to be more and more like Christ, the Good Shepherd. Your whole congregation might be blessed by this gift. Get one for each elder or split the bundle up between the leaders in your congregation. Put the five items in your church library.  Each one is also the perfect gift for putting spiritual leadership in any man. You may be helping your congregation for decades to come. You may be helping your sons to grow into those leaders who can help lead the church through perilous times. You could be blessing your own home with godly leadership! Save 40%, for a limited time, when you purchase these together. Happy Holidays!

  1. Headed to the Office—This book is an easy-to-understand Biblical resource for preparing young men to be elders in the Lord’s church. It’s perfect for classes or individual study for ages 11 and up. The best way to use this in a class is to have a wise older man (maybe an elder) teach this material to the young men in the local church. 
  2. Grooming Your Next Elders—This DVD details a program your shepherds may want to implement to insure that there are men ready to step up to the plate in future years to boldly and soundly lead your congregation to greater service and influence. Our own congregation used this “training” idea and we think it might be useful to yours, too. There’s a bonus DVD with helpful tools and tips for transitioning between preachers in the local church. 
  3. Awake at Night—This best-selling Colley House book is a compilation of 100 real-life scenarios that elders have faced. Collected though the years by Glenn for elder training classes, this book brings elders and future-elders head-to-head with the kinds of problems that are very real (and often very difficult) in 21st century churches. The book offers Biblical and practical advice for navigating difficult paths when problems arise. This one’s tried and true. 
  4. The Qualifications of Elders—This DVD series is a candid discussion full of relevant truth about the Biblical qualifications of elders in the local church. It’s helpful in congregations where elders are needed, but it’s also a great way to encourage those sacrificial shepherds who are daily working and praying to be the best leaders they can be for the flock for which they serve. 
  5. Premarital Counseling DVD—The devil is trying hard to get our families and often elderships have few area resources for family counseling. Now, elders can offer premarital counseling via DVD to those couples who are seeking to establish godly homes. This dvd is also very practical in equipping shepherds to offer godly advice to married couples when problems arise .  

Here’s hoping these gifts find their way into hands and hearts that make for brave, gentle, godly shepherds who will lead flocks around the country to be the God-honoring sheep-on-the-right (Matthew 25:33)! Here’s the link to purchase:!/Christmas-Shepherds-Special/p/123864997/category=0