The Colley House Christmas Contest is now! With a nod to the new HOPE series for families and congregations, we want to include children in the contest this year. You can win the entire HOPE set for Bible learning. There are two simple ways to enter. (Just pick one option and go with it! Here’s how:
1. Post a short video of your kids using the HOPE set in your family Bible time or in your kids’ class at church. We’d love to see how they are learning! Post to The Colley House Facebook page.
2. Send an email to describing your best and most effective Family Bible Time tip. This can be a “keeping kids’ attention” tip or an original song or an idea for a game. It can really be anything you have found effective in getting truth in kids. Feel free to include a photo, but it’s not required.
All entries must be posted or submitted by December 5th at 11:00 pm. CST.
The winning entry will receive the entire 5 item HOPE set just in time for gift-giving! You can see that here:!/That-We-May-Have-Hope-5-Product-Bundle/p/605880179/category=0.
That bundle is a $60.00 value (but it’s really invaluable)!
Have fun with this! (We have the most creative followers in the world!) 1…2…3…Go!
(photo credit:<a href= target=”_blank”>Christmas Gift PNG Free Download</a>)