Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: Getting Personal in Colossians One

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colossiansJesus is described in several ways in Colossians One.

  1. He is the redeemer (verse 14). God owns us by right of creation. He also owns us because, when we sinned, He bought us back.
  2. He is the image of God (verse 15). The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1: 14) and whoever saw Jesus, saw the Father (John 14:9). Whoever receives Jesus, receives the Father (John 13:20).
  3. He is the creator (verse 16). All things were created by him and, interestingly, FOR Him, as well.
  4. He is the head of the body (verse 18). It’s interesting that this verse ascribes to Jesus preeminence in all things as a result of the resurrection. If the grave had held Him, He could not have been the head. This verse has some serious implications for all other world religions.
  5. He is the fullness (verse 19). We can be many things without Jesus, but we can never be full. There will always be a Jesus-shaped void.
  6. He is the peacemaker (verse 20). Reconciliation with the Father could have never been secured without the blood of His cross.
  7. He is the purifier (verse 22). I can be holy, without blame and above reproach if, and only if, I have contacted the death of Jesus.

The point of Colossians One is that a huge price has been paid that he might be all of these things to a dying world. He is. The personal question for Cindy Colley is this: Is Jesus all of these things to me?

Is He my redeemer? Am I constantly examining His life in the gospels, so that I can know and serve the Father? Am I, realizing that I was created by Him, willing to be “used up” for His purposes? Is he the head of me, Cindy Colley? Do I submit to Him in the body of believers? Am I full? Is my life complete because of the eternal purpose and meaning that He supplies? Do my daily goals and activities reflect this “fulness”? Am I at peace with God through Him? Practically asked, “Am I good with His coming for judgement this very day?” Has he made me pure? All of these questions have the same answer for each of us. I hope, for all of us, the answer is YES!

If it is not “yes” for you, may I help you know the Savior? Send me an E-mail.

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