This is Family Bible Week at West Huntsville and my evenings are spent this week being a part of the throng around Jesus when he’s on His way to the home of Jairus. Our depiction of the miracle is focused on the power around the very name of Jesus. On His way to the home of Jairus, he heals a woman simply by her touching the hem of his garment. We’re trying hard in our little room to put reverence for the Lord and awe at His power in those little hearts. The last line we sing to them is “Jesus…Jesus…Jesus…There is power around that name.”
I’ve had two of those sweet little hearts in my house this week (and seven more sweet ones coming tomorrow). I’m loving the expanding vocabulary of Ezra, the two-year-old, and I’m especially loving the expanding knowledge of Scripture, of right and wrong and of truth that will, if developed and nurtured make His life a glorification of our Father.
Here are a few highlights of recent conversations:
Ezra: Dare’s good Bible cwasses and den dare’s bad Bible cwasses.
Me: Well, why is there a bad Bible class?
Ezra: Well, because day don’t teach de troof.
Me: Oh no, they don’t teach the truth?
Ezra: Well, dem fink dey do, but dem not.
Ezra: Mammy, adultewy is not good.
Me: No, Ezra, it’s very bad. But what IS adultery?
Ezra: It’s when you have a boyfwiend AND a husband…both.
Ezra’s mom: Like who?
Ezra: wike Potipher’s wife.
Ezra’s mom: Ezra, what is the kid’s sing rule?
Ezra: Do the right thing.
Ezra’s mom: But we just call that the “kid’s sing rule” because we say it at Kidsing. It’s really a rule for everywhere and all the time. It’s for when we wake up and when we are playing and when we go to Bible class. It’s doing right when we talk to Mom and Daddy and it’s telling the truth…and…
Ezra: I have an idea. Can we talk about this later?…like maybe tomorrow?
Ezra: Mammy, we do NOT say “Oh my Gosh.”
Me” That’s right, Ezra.
Ezra: But we can say “Oh my word.”…but not “Oh my goodness, because that’s sounds kind of like “Oh my Gosh.”
Me” That sounds right, Ezra.
Ezra: But some people dooz it just because nobody teached dem. They don’t know it’s a bad fing, so we dus have to teach dem….Aaaand…”Goodness” is good, but “Oh MYYY Goodness” is not good.
Goodness IS good and I’m glad it’s growing in that little heart! I’m glad for all the young parents who are diligent about directing little consciences toward heaven. Family Bible week happens once a year, but every week should be a family Bible week at home!