Next Tuesday night is podcast time once more! I’m very excited to be discussing the parables of Christ. I know this has to be one of the most practical of all the Digging Deep studies thus far because (1) they are the first of the New Covenant studies (and that’s our covenant) and (2) each parable has at least one lesson specifically designed to help us follow Christ, the great parable Teller.
So here’s the fun deal. You join us at for the podcast on Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. CST. Share with us live and on the air your favorite parable. Tell us what it is entitled or where it’s found and tell us why you love it. Stay on the line long enough for us to get your name and address and you will receive a free and autographed copy of the new book for children “Picking Melons and Mates.” It’s a modern day parable for your kids and grandkids about growing watermelons and what all that has to do with one day choosing mates who will help them go to heaven. The best part about the parable is that it comes with a 21-day guide for parents of kids of all ages to have a daily family Bible time. Three weeks of nightly family Bible time already planned out for your family’s spiritual enrichment. It’s a ten dollar value. Definitely a win-win.
My favorite parable is only found in Luke. It’s featured on the old Shirley Temple “Heidi” film and my husband has it memorized. You’ve probably guessed it by now, but I’ll fill you in on the podcast. See you on Tuesday.