Never in my memory has a publication like THINK magazine been available in any major mainstream book market. By the grace of God, THINK, a very sound and influential publication, is now available in airport magazine stands, Barnes and Noble Booksellers and Book World. Now that’s a blessing worth celebrating. Will you take the time to thank God for His providing this avenue of placing the gospel in the hands of those who peruse these markets? Will you take the time to pray God’s blessings on those men who are responsible for the direction and production of THINK? Will you pray for those who write for THINK? And will you pray for the ultimate increased population of heaven as a result of this magazine?
The next two blog installments will be from an article I wrote for a former issue of THINK. I’ve divided the article into two parts because it’s lengthy and I know you only have a moment each day to read a blog. You can subscribe to THINK by visiting or you can pick up a copy at your neighborhood Barnes and Noble retailer. Wow! That does have nice ring to it!