Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

July Podcast Tuesday Night

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It’s hard to believe we are ready for our 11th Digging Deep Podcast. I hope you will join us on Talkshoe, Tuesday at 7 CST for a discussion of some important passages from the New Testament epistles. Romans 8 is first on the agenda, followed by I Corinthians 13, Ephesians 5, and the book of Philippians. I hope there is also time for Titus 2:3-5.

Be thinking about the following questions. I would love it if some of you would call in with your comments about them. Join us by phone or in the chat room. Above all, pray for our discussion and that some sister may be strengthened in her walk with the Lord. If you have thoughts that might be helpful, please do get them to me. Feel free to message comments to me on facebook prior to Tuesday or post on the Digging Deep group wall. Let’s dig deeply and converse with conviction!

What is the condemnation that those of us who are in Christ are avoiding (Romans 8:1)?

What are “groanings too deep for words” in Romans 8:26?

What is predestination in Romans 8?

What is “that which is perfect” in I Corinthians 13?

Are the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit still given to people today?

What does submission to my husband look like in 2012?

Was this teaching about obeying my husband in Ephesians 5 and Titus 2 really intended more for women in the first century than for women today?

What are some submission challenges that are very difficult for women today?

Are there any daily rituals women can suggest that help us to be content and joyful?

How do we keep being joyful in a world where massacres are occurring as in Aurora, CO and in abortion clinics and where governments are now oppressive to those who speak against homosexuality? How do we rejoice in this environment?

What are some practical helps for thought control commanded in Phil. 4:8? Is it really possible to control your thoughts?

What part do older women play in helping keep the Titus 2 teaching happening in the body of Christ today? How can younger women be more receptive and welcoming to this teaching?

What does it mean to be “sober”? Is this about the use of beverage alcohol?

What are some practical things we can do in our homes and churches to promote chastity and discretion among our women?

What does being a keeper at home entail? Can I be employed outside the home and still be a “keeper at home”?

How does the keeping of Titus 2:3-5 prevent the blasphemy of the Word of God?

If you have thoughts that might be helpful, please do get them to me. If you have other questions, feel free to call in or message me or post on the Digging Deep group wall. Let’s dig deeply and converse with conviction!

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