Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Guest Writer: Mitzi Jackson–We’re Off! Digging Deep ’24-’25

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I say this every year but it’s worth the post. 

•If you are looking for a small group study- Do digging deep. 

•If you need accountability for Bible study- Do digging deep. 

•If you want a challenge- Do digging deep. 

•If you want to grow closer to God-Do digging deep. 

•If you need or prefer a guided study – Do digging deep. 

•If you like a personal study that you can do at your own pace- Do digging deep. 

•If you want to know more about the Bible-Do digging deep. 

•If you want to build close relationships with sisters in Christ- Do digging deep. 

•If you want a community of women who love you where you are and will encourage you to draw close to Jesus- Do digging deep. 

•If you are on the fence about digging deep- Do digging deep. 

-But even if you don’t do digging deep- find a way to get into His Word. There are so many ways.


If a one-on-one Bible study is more your style, let’s talk and we will make it happen! 

His word convicts us. 

His word equips us. 

His word transforms us.

His word instructs us. 

His word brings us salvation. 

His word brings us peace. 

His word shows us His character. 

These things cannot happen if we are not in His word. 

I just want to encourage you today to find a way to make it happen. Make it a priority.




Ladies that are doing this study… Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Do what you can and commit to staying plugged in. 

You will grow no matter how many questions you answer and no matter how many you leave blank. This isn’t for a test grade. 

It isn’t pass or fail. It’s Bible study. 

We all grow when we are in the word together and together we can do this! 

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