Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep Lucky 7000th Member: Susan Carter Dills (It’s not too late to start digging!)

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Big congratulations to Susan Carter Dills, who has officially been verified as our 7000th member of the Digging Deep in God’s Word group! Susan, this means you are the proud owner of 7 items of your choice from the store at! Just let us know which products you want and we’ll ship them your way!  (Notify me at and be sure to include your shipping address.)

Susan lives in Washington, Pennsylvania and she says she’s excited to begin the study to which she was introduced by her mom and sister, who are veteran diggers. What a great moment to click “join the group,” Susan! Welcome! We hope you and all the other new diggers will join the discussion on the page, participate in the podcast discussions and in the sweet fellowship we have as we are in the Word together.

Look at these artist diggers from Midland, TX!

We know we will be better able to give glory to God through Christ when we are done with this year’s study. That’s an incomparably valuable result for our small investment. 

Please note that it’s still very easy to “catch up” with the group. Combining the September study and the October study and completing in the next six weeks will put you right where the group is for the October podcast on October 22nd. That’s completely do-able (even easy) and you will be encouraged to be studying along with the up-to-date and current comments and information on the page! So consider yourself invited to join the group at Digging Deep in God’s Word and study along! If you’re new, be sure to watch the introductory video that’s right here: This short video will direct you to all you need to know. 

For the veterans, keep studying and inviting. Keep growing and glorifying. Keep on toward the forever  GLORYland! Digging Deep is going to be a great memory when we all get there! I can already hear some of the discussions and see some of the lightbulb-moments as all of our questions find sweet resolution!

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