Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

By Request: 10-day Devotional Readings from Jeremiah

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11896250_10152977036441384_3876974688294082380_nWhen you immerse yourself in a book of the Bible, you have separation anxiety when it’s time to move on to another. Here’s one more Jeremiah list from the Digging Deep study. But, truly, this list is good for God’s women whether you are in the book of Jeremiah or not. This is for your morning coffee break, the day you  realize you’ve broken God’s commands, the darkest night when you’ve just lost a loved one, and for the struggle in your marriage. This is gold from Jeremiah for your life. In fact, this list would be a great 10-day morning starter devotional series for busy women. (The original list, without scripture references, is taken from the article “The Marvelous Book of Jeremiah, by Wayne Jackson at For your study, I’ve added some passages from the Jeremiah text and elsewhere. It will make you want to be better!

Practical Lessons from Jeremiah

  1. God’s omniscience–Jeremiah 1:5; Job 31:33; Job 39:31; Psalm 139:1-6
  2. God empowers the servant.–Jeremiah 1:7-10; II Kings 5; Exodus 2; Judges 6:15
  3. Remember your vows.–Jeremiah 2:20-37; Jeremiah 22: 8,9; Matthew 15:9
  4. God hates the superficial. –Jeremiah 5:2,3; Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 15:8; Mark 7:6
  5.  True repentance is costly.–Jeremiah 7:1-7; II Corinthians 7:10
  6. The price of sin is high.–Jeremiah 8:1-3; Jeremiah 9; Luke 15: 11-21; Romans 6:23; I Peter 1:18,19
  7. Jehovah will be victorious.–Jeremiah 23:1-8; I Peter 1:5-7
  8. Jesus is the only hope.–Jeremiah 33:9-16; John 14:6; I Peter 1:3; I Corinthians 15:13-19.
  9. Expect persecution.–Jeremiah 38:3-6; II Timothy 3:12
  10. Judgment day will come.–Jeremiah 46-51; Matthew 25:31-46; II Peter 2:9; II Peter 3:7; Hebrews 9:27


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