Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley


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The very practical Digging Deep study for the month of June is the book of James and Romans 12. As we read these very rich chapters we are to make a list of specific and practical things we can do to follow the basic instructions of the Holy Spirit’s directives through these passages. As I study these passages, I plan to make them very personal for my marriage. Since Glenn and I are still pretty new at this empty nest part of life, we sometimes are surprised to find out things we had forgotten about each other during the stage of marriage when we had the two visitors who consumed our lives (in a good way) for about twenty-five years. So for my study, I am going to list things from these chapters that I can do to follow God’s plan in my marriage. I hope your list will reflect whatever stage of life in which you find yourself.

Here’s the beginning of my list:

1. James 1:2-4–patience in trials

I will be more positive in my speech, even when I am having a bad day or even when there are many negative things occurring around me and being brought to my attention. So often I tend to react to others with happy tones and optimistic words, but, once I finish answering all those emails or talking over issues with others, I act as if every bit of my optimism has been “used up.” All that’s left for my husband is negativity. I am going to try to go through the next 24 hours without saying one negative thing to my husband. For me, that challenge will be huge.

2. James 1:5-7–asking for wisdom

I will ask for wisdom as a wife every single morning for the next month before I get out of bed.

3. James 1:9-11—the passing nature of riches

I am so materially blessed. I have a hard time believing that God has given to us everything we need and so many things that we enjoy immensely, but do not need. For the next month, each time I go in any store and make a purchase, I will pray when I return to my car and I will thank the Lord that I was able to make the purchase and ask that I might use what I have bought for His glory. Riches pass as the flower of the grass, but I can use them for purposes that will outlast them.

I am also going to use my home this month for at least one occasion of hospitality, my car for giving at least one needed ride to worship, and my computer for at least one note to encourage someone to obey the Lord. In this way, I will attempt to give my riches the propensity to outlast the flower of the grass.

You get the idea. Just look at James and Romans 12 with an eye for practical applications in whatever phase of life you may find yourself. Keep your own list. Refer to it often and let’s talk about it on the June podcast.

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