Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Winner #2: Maxine Knoll

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I love the “grandkids’ tree.” What a great idea! Here’s Maxine’s letter:

Nana’s Memories

I have a special tree that is the “Grandkids’ tree”. I am sharing with you Christmas memories
that hang on this tree, and then others. We have made Santas out of paintbrushes, bells out of
miniature flower pots that are painted and then fingerprints are added. Handprints were drawn and
cut out for me one year. Another time, we colored ornaments. Homemade ornaments of their
imagination have been given to me.

One year, I asked for an ornament with a memory between us. A chocolate chip cookie
ornament was given because I bake cookies! A “Love you to the Moon and Back” ornament was given
because that is what I tell them!

Another year, I had the grands paint plates for me to display. I also had them do a table runner
for me with their handprints. They made a picture that included their thumb prints and deer antlers
for my “Deer Grandchildren”.

One Christmas, I had them all write a letter to me telling me about their dreams and including
something special about their grandaddy and me.

This year, they are all taking a bought ornament ball and putting their name and fingerprint on the ornament.

(I wish I could show you the pictures of the items she mentions. They were sweet, but not in a format I could transfer here. I’m still glad for the entry of the “grandkids’ tree! Remember, the point is developing intergenerational relationships that help bring little souls to heaven!)

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