Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Who’s on the Downhill Side of “Glory”? Will You Finish?

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I can’t wait till that third week in August.  That’s the week when you’ll be able to watch the recap of this year’s Glory Digging Deep study. I hope you won’t miss it, because it will also be the kick-off for the 2020-21 study.  I’ll let you know specifically what date and time when that’s released to me. You’ll hear the theme then, see the new books and t-shirts, and have access that day to the download. I think you are going to grow from the study. In preparing it, I have already thought about a lot of things from the Word that are helping me during the very challenging days that we’re facing as Christians in America in 2020. I believe it will give you a stronger faith and a firmer hope; not because it’s from me, but because it’s the Word. The free download and the spiral-bound book will be available at!/Digging-Deep/c/20688312/offset=0&sort=normal 

Of course, we can’t do our usual “stage” recognition of women who’ve done every single portion of the study. I would love to do a shout-out to those who let me know you have accomplished this, though. So, if you qualify, send me your name and congregation/town to  It will be fun to see who has done the entire study! I need your name for this by July 25th. To qualify, you need to have completed months 1-11, including all reading, all questions, every single Practically Speaking and all of the video podcasts OR all the Dig-A-Bits. Remember, though, that the real finish is heaven. Every  precious devotional time in the Word brings us closer to that blessed glory land. 

Although I know I won’t be able to send a prize to every completer, I do want to give away some new study books to a few ladies who are deep diggers or who might be encouraged to dig deeper.  I hope you will help me identify these ladies. If you know someone who has been a great help to your group, someone who needs to study and will commit to doing so, but may not be able to afford the book, someone who is sacrificial in leading the study or recruiting others, or someone who is struggling and really needs the study, write me a letter and send it to  Explain why your nominee is a worthy recipient of the new study book. I’ll choose a few ladies and award them on the podcast from our virtual PTP.  I need to get these letters by July 20th. 

Podcast is tomorrow night! Hope you can join us as we finish looking at glory in the book of John. It’s a weighty study and you’ve grown if you’ve examined the glory thread in this book. Hope to meet you here at 7 CST on Tuesday the 30th:

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