Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

This Exciting New Addition to your Library/Class Curriculum!

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A few years ago, I came to know Carol Dodd at Polishing the Pulpit. This beautiful face kept popping up, front-and-center in almost every session and her words following each session were encouraging in ways that touched my heart and made me want to be a better person. She lived in Florida, at the time, and you can imagine my excitement, when I heard, about five years ago that Carol and her husband Don were moving to become members of the West Hunstiville family, If I had a dollar for every note of encouragement that Carol has sent me during the last five years, I could make a down-payment on a new Dickson Bible (and that’s substantial!)  And I am one of many (I mean a whole bunch…) of the women in the congregation who have received such notes. Carol does our kids’ sermon sheets, she ministers to the sick, she co-heads our ladies ministries, she gifts other servants, she welcomes and encourages visitors, she works in our seniors program, and she teaches our ladies class.

…And she has stage four cancer.

Lori Morris, who lives in Middle Tennessee, traveled to our ladies day last fall. Carol was our speaker and Lori had this epiphany–a moment that would matter to many. She had the idea to take the manuscripts from which Carol speaks and compile them into a ladies study book. With the help of Tonja McRady, this has happened and the book is now available for purchase! I could not be more excited about this! The most exciting thing about it may have been that we successfully kept the secret about publication and were able to present the book to Carol in a little assembly of women at West Huntsville. She was overcome with emotion, of course. But then, Carol is always overcome with emotion. The joy of the Lord shines out of her smile and glistens in tear-filled eyes as a matter of routine.

The book is called “Blessed Assurance.” The first four chapters of the book are a compilation of various ladies lessons and they are followed by a thirteen lesson series on the providence of God. You will be better for these short and Bible-packed lessons. Having gone through this study of the amazing ways our God takes care of His people, your ladies’ class will make your congregation more faith-filled than ever before.

Let me emphasize this: No proceeds from this book will be retained by the Colleys. Every penny will be passed along to the Dodds. The decision was made to keep the cost of the book relatively high, so that we could make this gift to this great couple.

So you may order at while this limited supply lasts! Shipping is include in the price you pay.


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