Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

The Colley House International Writing Contest for Kids!

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You might know that the Colleys are pretty fired up about writing: blogs, books, articles, sermons, and Bible studies. In the interest of raising the next generation of writers, The Colley House is sponsoring an international writing contest for kids ages ten to thirteen.  So, if you or your kids are in that age range, get your creative neurons firing and follow these rules. Winner will receive the Colley House International Writer’s trophy and a $30.00 gift card to Chik-Fila. If the winner is outside of the continental United States, the award will be simply a commensurate cash award. 

  1. The article or story should contain between 500 and 1000 words and should begin with one of the following (your choice):

**It was the pinnacle of the trip for me…

**We were about five minutes early for worship when we walked into the building to see…

**I always knew I was born into the wrong century…

**I didn’t think it would happen in a million years…

2. Send your submission by midnight on October 15th to

3.  Be sure to include your name, telephone number, USPS address, and age with your submission.

4. Winner will be chosen based on creativity, grammatical correctness, and adherence to the stated rules.

5. Winner will be chosen by an objective and unbiased outside expert.

6. Winner will be announced on this blog within a week of the submissions deadline.

7. Entry in the contest implies contestant’s permission to publish any submitted material, but does not guarantee the publishing of any material by The Colley House. 

8. Prizes will be awarded via USPS. 

9. Judge’s decisions are final.

10. Parents/Teachers may offer advice and serve as writing coaches in this process, including proofing and grammar help, but the works must be original to the student. 

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