
The Choice

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He is sovereign. He is God. He is Lord of heaven and earth;
The creator in the womb, the God of life and birth.
At bay stand throngs of angels, for my soul they would rejoice.
But God will not compel my soul. He’s left to me the choice.

Myriads of little choices– paths converging in my plans
Crowded streets, familiar trails, and roads to foreign lands.
Scoffers, fellows, friends and foes, each has a tempting voice
The pleadings call for heeding, but I know I have the choice.

When all the voices have been stilled; the paths have all been trod.
There will be no double-checking when I finally meet my God.
My choices all recorded, I will search my soul’s estate.
But God won’t reconsider then or heed my cry of “Wait!”

I’ll never make another choice. Decision time is done.
And all the paths I’ve taken will converge, then, into one.
Will my road become the street of gold or will I miss the joys
Of the destination of my dreams? It’s wrapped up in the choice.

It’s wrapped up in the placement of His word within my life–
The time I saved for family, my posture as a wife;
The jokes that made me laugh and the events that brought a sob
My choice of words in anger and the effort in my job.

It’s how I spent my money and how much I gave away.
It’s the choices as a mother I encountered every day.
Did I grasp the Lord’s redemption? Did I ask His help in prayer?
In every sense, in all intents, was I sure that He was there?

When I finally face the judgment and the last mile has been run
And all my days are swallowed by this consequential one,
Will it be the words “Well done,” I hear when first I hear His voice?
The bottom line eternally? — It’s all about the choice.
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