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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Mama’s K.I.S.S. #59–Sit with the Widowed

As you know, if you’ve been reading, for quite some time, I’ve occasionally been running little installments called “Mama’s K.I.S.S.” I know that lots of readers could give many more and far more creative ideas than I can offer, but these installments are just a few tried and true and mostly old-fashioned ideas for putting service hearts in our kids.  This is number 57  of a list of one hundred ways we train our kids to serve. K.I.S.S. is an acronym for “Kids In Service Suggestions”.

Two weeks ago, in this graduation season, we witnessed the graduation to glory of a faithful woman of God in the West Huntsville family. I love looking over at every single service and seeing two or three reps from our wonderful youth group flanking newly widowed Donald Dodd as they worship with him. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen to watch them singing loudly and fervently beside this man of God. I know that Don is encouraged by this. He never sits alone! But I am just as sure that the young men and women that are sitting beside him leave with hearts that have grown three sizes! It’s also neat that, so far, the teens who are surrounding him are doing so in family groups. For instance yesterday morning, the Anderson twins were on his pew beside him. Last night it was the three Wright kids. Last Sunday, I believe I saw the three Clarke kids. There have been others, too. I love that families are making this a “thing.”

And incidentally, I believe I saw every single one of these kids weeping at the funeral service of Carol Dodd. They probably saw me, too. I love these kids!

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another (Romans 12:15).

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Winner Number 3: Kerri Epling is “Puzzling”


Here’s Kerri’s service idea just as she submitted it:

Last year on a whim we took a jigsaw puzzle to a newly- widowed woman in our congregation. She was having some people stay with her for a few weeks due to her own medical issues, and we set the puzzle out and started it on a table in her side room.  As ladies came to visit and stay with her, they would each put in a few pieces while they talked.   Several of them commented how much they enjoyed the time working together on the puzzles and how easy it made for them to have quality conversations together.  When the puzzle was completed, the new widow had so many great memories of her friends working together on the puzzle. 

(I read this and thought it would also be fun to frame the puzzle when finished and let the sisters who worked on it sign the back and gift the framed puzzle back to the recuperating sister.)

So many great ideas. So little time!



Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Mama’s K.I.S.S. #52–Reverse Trick-or-Treating

As you know, if you’ve been reading, for quite some time, I’ve occasionally been running little installments called “Mama’s K.I.S.S.” I know that lots of readers could give many more and far more creative ideas than I can offer, but these installments are just a few tried and true and mostly old-fashioned ideas for putting service hearts in our kids.  This is number 52 of a list of one hundred ways we train our kids to serve. K.I.S.S. is an acronym for “Kids In Service Suggestions”. Wow! we are over halfway there!

There’s still time to do this one during this fun week! The masquerading holiday doesn’t have to be evil. Moms and Dads can have some control over the impact of holidays on their families, for sure. 

I believe Halloween is a great opportunity for widows and elderly Christians to bond with the children of the church. Our own children made “appointments” with elderly people in the church to come by and “show off” their costumes and we sometimes took treats to those elderly people (kind of backwards trick-or-treating). Anticipation and excitement emanated from the faces of those older saints. But more importantly, our kids grew, through this and other service projects to love these mature Christian people—a great blessing in the development of our children, for sure. 

If you have a shortage of elderly in the congregation, find a nursing home or retirement center. Include a note about the church or a tract about salvation in your goody bag. 

Have a fun and blessed week!